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Having trouble with Dragon words.


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I'm having a major problem with the dragon words, they aren't adding to my list of shouts.. the only ones I have are the first power you absorb, and the whirlwind dash you get from the Greybeards. Is there any way to fix this? And I used the console cheat to add all spells.. is there a way to reverse the damage so I can get my powers???
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Mrfox for you to have the words you've got to learn them from dragon walls, the grey beards tell you to go to Ustengrav (this is only one place where you can find words of power, there are a bunch of those through the world of Skyrim) to search for the horn of jurgen windcaller inside that place theres a dragon wall at the bottom near the water there you'll find the "become ethereal" first word (fade), You can use other shouts only after finding words like that and unlock them.
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