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[LE] Why its not working?

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I wanted to improve my Ironwork Mod

old description: ( no need to read, just if any one want to know what Ironwork is )



Tobias Iron Works !...
Items you need:
Furnance - Heating materials
Anvil - Shaping materials
Hammer - Tool to shape material
Tongs - Tool to hold heat material
Gloves - Protection
How to craft Sword?
1) You will need Clay Form
Craft it with: ( Use Bucket )
12 Clay
2 Rocks
6 Leather Strips
2) Get any Material You want
Craft it with: ( Use Smelter )
12 Ores
4 Coal
3) Make "Cast"
Craft it with: ( Use Hot Pot )
1 Clay Form
3 Material
6 Coal
4) Heat you Cast and Forge at Anvil
a) Make sword shape
b) Clear your sword
c) Make blade shape
d) Clear Blade
e) Grind edges
5) Fluid bath ##! OPTIONAL !##
a) Make Fluid
b) Bath sword for 24h
c) Clear sword in water
6) Hand ##! OPTIONAL !##
a) Use leather stripts or Fur
7) Detail ##! OPTIONAL !##
a) add more details :smile:
:cool: Sharp ##! OPTIONAL !##
a) just sharp blade :smile:
If Material Got cold, heat it again,
hitting cold material broke final sword.
Heating material too much make it Fragile
do Your work quick or Your got worse stats.
Keep You forge at good temparature
too much for material is too bad
cold forge have no heat power
Here you have Heat for materials:
Start at: 600
Best at: 800
Melt at: 1000
Fluit at: 2000
Weight: 11.000 Kg/m3
Fragile: 11%
Start at: 700
Best at: 900
Melt at: 1200
Fluit at: 2500
Weight: 9.000 Kg/m3
Fragile: 19%
Start at: 900
Best at: 1600
Melt at: 1700
Fluit at: 2800
Weight: 7.900 Kg/m3
Fragile: 15%
Start at: 1200
Best at: 1400
Melt at: 1700
Fluit at: 2900
Weight: 9.000 Kg/m3
Fragile: 8%
Start at: 1200
Best at: 1600
Melt at: 2000
Fluit at: 3200
Weight: 4.500 Kg/m3
Fragile: 5%
Start at: 1300
Best at: 1700
Melt at: 2200
Fluit at: 4000
Weight: 20.000 Kg/m3
Fragile: 12%
Start at: 1600
Best at: 2400
Melt at: 3000
Fluid at: 4500
Weight: 22.000 Kg/m3
Fragile: 24%
Start at: 2100
Best at: 2900
Melt at: 5000
Fluid at: 14.000
Weight: 9.000 Kg/m3
Fragile: 1%
Acid: protected
Royal Water: Weak
Here you have heat power:
Leather: 90 ( 10 / 10 sec )
Wood: 170 ( 14 / 10 sec )
Coal: 640 ( 19 / 10 sec )
Rich Coal: 1650 ( 25 / 10 sec )
Ifirium: 8900 ( 33 / 10 sec )
Prilirium: 18200 ( 50 / 10 sec )
Here you have possible Furance:
this Value is Heat Isolation !...
Primitive: 82%
Stone: 6
Clay: 12
Wood: 4
Stone: 84%
Stone: 24
Clay: 20
Wood: 12
Leather: 4
Iron: 85%
Stone: 24
Clay: 12
Wood: 6
Iron Strings: 4
Iron Plates: 2
Heat Stone: 89%
Stone: 42
Iron String: 4
Iron Plates: 6
Iron Dust: 12
Glass: 92%
Glass: 12
Iron Plates: 24
Iron String: 12
Iron Dust: 6
Concrete: 12
Obsidian: 95%
Obsidian: 24
Concrete: 24
Prilitium: 97%
Obsidian: 24
Prilitium: 12
Mystic: 99%
Obsidian: 96
Prilitium: 96
Ifirium: 96




so i wanted to improve my mod by adding buildable structures


ATM, player is able to use my Mod only in Riverwood where Crafting Furniture Objects are

but i want give player spells that spawn new Crafting Furnitures where player use spell


i have 2 TEST scripts and i have no f***g idea why its not working =_=


Script 1:



Scriptname QLG_SimpleScript_Build extends ActiveMagicEffect  
{ Script created mostly for Ironwork Mod
	This script place object at build marker }
;===- Base Info. -===;
 ;Created: 2019-08-01
 ;Update: 2019-08-01
 ;Author: TobiPL
 ;Unit: M.PC<1>
;===- Var. setup -===========================================;
	ObjectReference Property QTarget Auto
	{ ... }

	FormList Property QForm Auto
	{ Ref. to object that have to move }
;===- Main Script -=============================;
Event OnEffectStart( Actor QTar, Actor QCas )
	If( ( QTar == Game.GetPlayer() ) )
		Debug.Notification(" DEBUG " )
		QTarget.PlaceAtMe( QForm.GetAt(0) as ObjectReference )
; The End 




Script 2:



Scriptname QLG_SimpleScript_MarkLocation extends ActiveMagicEffect  
{ Script created mostly for Ironwork Mod
	This script simply move build marker to player :)... }
;===- Base Info. -===;
 ;Created: 2019-08-01
 ;Update: 2019-08-01
 ;Author: TobiPL
 ;Unit: M.PC<1>
;===- Var. setup -===========================================;
	Actor Property QPlayer Auto
	{ Player Ref. }

	ObjectReference Property QTarget Auto
	{ Ref. to object that have to move }
;===- Main Script -=============================;
Event OnEffectStart( Actor QTar, Actor QCas )
	If( ( QTar == Game.GetPlayer() ) )
		QTarget.MoveTo( QPlayer )
; The End 





idk but posting here helps me a lot...

cause after i post new topic i finaly read my Code xDDD


idk why i can't do it without posting new topic but i think i know what is wrong

Scriptname QLG_SimpleScript_MarkLocation extends ActiveMagicEffect


Extends ActiveMagicEffect


let's see what will happend if i change it to ObjectReference...



No its not working... also it dont even show "DEBUG" notification sometimes...


My "Rage" S*** xD



if i restart game sometimes DEBUG message shows sometimes after restart dont...


im using... almost vanilla skyrim i have only few Racemenu mods and AlternaeStart - Modding Skyrim Version xD



but i think im done for now with this broken game and im gonna take break again...

=____= i said it many many many times...


I HAD NEVER SO MANY problems with Unity, Unreal or C++ like i have with CK...

CK is most broken Game Engine in human history...


- When you start Unity or Unreal -> No Errors that you have to ignore ( or disable MessageBox in editor ini file xD )

- When you load texture to Unity or Unreal, it never crash, ck crash sometimes with no reason


and ofc. CK allow only NIF XWM DDS files... it that so hard for CK to convert for example PNG to DDS?

well Unity and Unreal can do it so why Creation Kit can't ?...



ok im just angry...

because when i work in C++ or other Engines everything is working fine...

when i work in CK i have to save and test everything every f***g 15 minutes...



ok anyway ill be back probably after 5/10 days i need break...

if any1 want to help, i will answer after those 5 days...


also WHY loading CK takes so fk**g long time??? WTF

Loading CK takes like 5 minutes when loading Unity takes around 10 sec and Unreal only 1/2 minutes

WITH A LOT OF FREE ASSETS !... well im poor so im using free assets :o...


ok ok ok xD im still in rage mode cause this mod is not working even after 50h of MY work...

i think im gonna delete everything and make it again...


or i will just leave Skyrim... xD but its hard i was trying 5 or more times to leave skyrim and modding xD

Addicted to Modding Skyrim :o


Time in CK: 2500 ( Steam )

+Around 10.000h Gimp, Music, Sounds, Textures, Models, Scripting :o


Time in Game: 1200 ( Steam )

i have played Skyrim for only 59 Hours :D

under Saved game you have play time xD thats my only one save :D

so i was testing Skyrim for around 1100 H :o



Something probably funny, i have 4 almost 5 hours in SKSE on Steam xD

SKSE starts for only like 1 or 2 sec xD and i have almost 5 h :D



Ok bye !...



i think now i will go to play some game, PLAY TIME ONLY :o

or maybe work some in C++ i wanted to do Better Version of my Console Game xD


Old Console Game made by me:



its only in Polish cause im from Poland :D lol

but you can try if you want xD


don't worry its safe to use i also can send src code if any1 want :o lol !...




hmm... maybe ill try to unlock Legendary Difficult in Titan Quest :o

Good and Old Game <3 Old games are best xD !!!!






- Modding Spellforce -> No Problems

- Modding Titan Quest -> No Problems

- Modding Gothic 2 -> No Problems

- Making Maps for Stronghold -> No Problems, but its boring xD


MODDING SKYRIM, well here is error msg box, here is another and here you have 10 more errors also

can't find sound file and btw. application crash so you have to restart and start again.


don't worry it was only 3h of your life... well... wasted time... still you are addicted to skyrim

so you will do your work again, for free !...



ohh wait... i lie !...

i had problems with Stronghold xDDD


but problems like this: GOOGLE DRIVE IMAGE !



are not so bad like just crash that wipe all your work...



egh, ok... bye this time srsl bye xD

u must be so bored if you read all this :D... lol




Edited by TobiaszPL
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