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Trying to silence some .ogg sounds


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Hey all.

I've heard some incidental background sounds that I want to get rid of.

After eventually finding out that they were stored in the Fallout - Sound bsa, I extracted it, and created a mod folder structure with 105 silent ogg files.

Now, at this point my knowledge starts to dwindle. I tried the only way that I knew, creating a rar archive out of my mods folder structure, and letting NMM install it that way. This didn't quite work, as multiple other sounds went quiet also, and crashing became frequent. It appears that the game doesn't like .ogg files dropped into the data folders the same way that it does with mp3's? In any case, that didn't work.

So, my next task is to try and package it up as a file, and not to add extra folders to the game files. At this point, I've managed to pack it up as a bsa file, which I understand will only be read by the game if there is an identically named esp file? This, I do not know how to do. I've tried (clumsily) opening the geck to achieve that, but I am totally baffled as to how to go about it. Lol.


Hope someone can help. Thank you.

Edited by tizerist
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