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Conveyance enchantment


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I just thought of an enchantment that might be cool. Conveyance. Or conductivity. It could be made for one-handed weapons only and it would take the power of the spell in the other hand. When hitting an enemy it would have the same effect on him as hitting him with the spell (swords of healing!... all right, maybe just destruction spells). The power would probably need to be scaled down for balance reasons.


What about two-handed weapons, though? Maybe instead of basing the power on an equipped spell, something else should be used. Scaled down shouts? Or something else. Maybe it shouldn't be spell-based, but just take the element of the spell (fireball -> fire damage; ice shard -> cold damage, etc.).


How about charging it with incoming spells when you are hit by an enemy mage? It would take part of the damage from damaging you and it would temporarily have the effect that hurt you. Like poison, but it would by applied by your enemies.

Buuuut, if you would sheathe it without using it, it would hurt you for as much as it protected you earlier. Would that be a good idea? When you sheathe the weapon the battle is probably over already. And that would cause players to run around with their swords up.

The solution is a timer instead of sheathing. A timer would be a better idea. It would hurt you after the timer runs out. That would also dictate the way you play, a bit. I think that would be cool.


The first idea, the take-spell-from-the-other-hand one, should use charges like a normal enchantment, but the other idea, the absorb-incoming-magic-damage one should not.


I don't really have a real mod request, just some ideas that, as it is probably obvious, were developed while typing. Maybe someone will like them.

The short description says "Weapons get their effect from the spell in the other hand," but I'd like it to say "Weapons get their effect from an outside source." I wish I could change that, because I like the absorb-incoming-magic-damage idea better now.

Edited by peterfaj
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