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random dawnguard


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taken from uespwiki:

After your vampire induction the other vampires in the castle will treat you as a mortal (This seems to happen because exiting the Vampire Lord form reverts the race of the player to what he was before being transformed, and you cannot revert back without using Revert Form, so there is no way around this bug!), and attack if you transform into a Vampire Lord in front of them (It is the act of transforming that seems to cause the other vampires to become hostile. You can still become a Vampire Lord at a distance and then approach the other vampires without them attacking you, but it does not solve the conversation "treated as mortal" issue). Since you cannot start conversations while in Vampire Lord form (same as with Beast Blood), it is thus impossible to start the next quest since you cannot talk to anyone to receive quests. The only way to progress is using the console command setstage dlc1vampirebaseintro [stage].

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