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Fallout 76 textures in Photoshop


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Hi, Does anyone explain to me how texture maps work in Fallout 76? I am converting textures from FO4 to FO76 but I read that now defuse maps, specular maps, and normal maps (_d.dds, n_dds and _s.dds) work differently, the _s.dds is changed to _i.dds and then what? I don't get the textures to work well and I read a comment in which they `` explained '' a bit but I can't fully understand because I follow the steps and the same does not work well, I enclose the comment I found.

comment from the user Skutal (the minutemen): https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/7156586-npc-spawningcbbe-testures/

Edited by Estepa
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