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Help with Blender/Modelling

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Hey all!


I am wanting to get into the modelling side of things for FO4 (and other games), but I have the problem of knowing next to nothing about 3d modelling. So, for starters, I thought I would play around with existing models and see what I could do.


I wanted to modify the Perfectly Preserved Pie model a little to make apple pie for my Apple Trees mod. I downloaded and installed (in the correct order) the programs from this site. I followed the steps in this guide and I get a python error with "check console" when I get to the step where I import the .nif into Blender. Here's what the console says, and it may as well be in ancient Chinese for me:





So, my questions are: 1.) What's going on here, and 2.) Is there an easier way to do this?


Thanks for the help/advice,



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-short version-

It might be easier for you if you import whichever Fallout4 mesh you want to edit, into OutfitStudio first.

Then export the mesh as an .obj file which you can import directly into Blender. Once you've finished your edits in Blender, export the mesh as an .obj, then import that file back into OutfitStudio. From there, you can export the mesh as a .nif, before opening it in Nifskope to do your final editing.

Tutorial for OutfitStudio set-up here

Numerous Blender tutorials here

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There is no working Blender plugin for FO4. Thus, there is no way to directly import/export NIFs with Blender.

As AGreatWeight already wrote, use bodyslide -> blender -> bodyslide -> nifskope or nifskope -> blender -> bodyslide -> nifskope.

You can export objects with NifSkope directly out of a ba2-archive, though you have to scale this in Blender by 0.1.


Edith: OutfitStudio is part of BodySlide.

Edited by deadbeeftffn
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