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Stealing my own items in breezehom


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Hi, hoping someone might be able to help me with the strange problem. I have made a mod to breezehome and have created my own containers, one of them is a pedestal which holds and displays dragon claws. Each container holds only 1 item, it works a bit like the weapon racks. I have used a custom script which was available from another web site (its called Universal Item Display script, by Nina Mccormick).


Anyway the problem is that when I place a dragon claw onto my pedestal, and then go to grab it, it says "Steal xxxx", yet the original item in my inventory was not marked as stolen to begin with, but somehow when I place it onto the custom container object, it loses its ownership and wants me to steal it to get it back. I have tested this script with other items and it does the same thing!


One test I did was create a new cell entirely and then create my dragon claw pedestal and it works fine and does not make the item as stolen when I take it back. So it appears to be something to do with the breezehome house and ownership?


I have changed the ownership setting to PlayerFaction for the container but it made no difference.

Edited by windaddict
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