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Dungeon texture/mesh flickering


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Greetings all,


I am having an issue that happening with ALL dungeon and only dungeons/caves..etc.., the walls, and floor keep flickering textures and meshes none stop and very fast but the clutter are fine, only the surrounding walls, wood.. etc..


i had mods like SMIM and other texture mods, i removed them all but still it is persisting. I searched as far as i can on google ,but no one seems to be having the same issue. i dont know what to do anymore and i prefer not to start the game from the beginning again.


i attached a screenshot when it happens, i would upload more to compare but the size limit is a problem, you can see it happening on the center right of the screenshot, random things bulging out of the wall and ceiling with the white things you can see are wood meshes without texture. the same mesh models appear in yellowish white overlapping on the original sometimes.


I apologize in advance for any spelling mistakes or technical terms as i am not that familiar with these things.


thank you




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