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Microstutter, freezing and screen tearing


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I have been having a lot of trouble with stutter and screen tearing despite maintaining awfully high FPS. Also, sometimes the screen will "hang up" when I am looking around. Like I will be moving my mouse from left to right and the screen will just get stuck after a bit of panning. I have a decent system so I don't think it's a bottle neck issue (i5 2500K @ 3.3, GTX 680, 8 GB Ram), and it doesn't really happen if I am just moving forward. I run a decent amount of the graphical enhancement mods (enb, texture packs, realistic lighting, W.A.T.E.R.) but not half as many as some of the users on here (I would say I am running between 20-25 mods).


I bossed all my mods and read the instructions super carefully, I started getting CTD and freezing issues after installing Warzones, but that probably was because I had my uGrids set to 9, I scaled it down to 7 and that helped.


I turned off the vsync in the .ini file and forced adaptive vsync in the control panel, and that didn't help. My frame rates are 100+ in interiors, and easily maintains 50-60 in exteriors even with ultra settings (gotta hand it to the GTX 680 - it is a beast!). It is a total bummer as it totally hampers the immersion factor. I've heard that some people are having problems with this and GTX 680? I have no frame of reference as my last card couldn't handle all the high end graphical mods.


Is there a quick fix? Or is this a driver issue related to the GTX 680?



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Don't disable the game's vsync as it breaks almost everything in the game. What you need is a frame limiter, MSI Afterburner is the preferred choice (I for one despise it) or you can try this http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/34 (causes hardcore screen tearing). Get MSI AB and set the frame cap to 60 or 59 see which one works better. And for the "jumping ahead" stutter effect you need nvidia inspector and set frames to render ahead to 2.
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I doubt it would have any issue. If it does you can use the other link i provided which has instructions on how to load with enb but like i said it causes hardcore screen tearing. It also does not require nvidia inspector as it has the render ahead feature built in. It is the easiest solution and works well but the tearing is bad and the fps limit is inconsistent. Edited by blacklordbl
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