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Perks system Birth signs

Activate a prayer animation lesser power while near sigil stone [ie atronach or lady stone]

Get transported to a small area like wooden mask brumjanaar

Spend points at different perks around the room

with unlocking gates based on how many points have been spent there

leveling Perks

Cost certain amount of skills level eg -25 conjuratiuon skill for twin souls


Spell book

Add spells

Remove spells

Create scrolls







Heal completely all 3 after animation play can be interrupted but each removes an additional 2 % from ttl health

Until max of 75 is reached


At 25 move 3 % slower

Drinkers dopplers

At 50 random headaches and fall down

Max stamina reduced 15%

Max magic reduced 22%

Blackring Hobbler

At 75 frequent fall downs

Max stamina 15 ttl

Max magic 50 ttl

Max health 25% ttl


Health is decreased by ¼ of damage received ttl


Only way to bring health back up to full


Build up Favor Points by helping locals

Ie giving money to poor, feeding peps, not stealing

Expands healthbar to double, but only lasts until its lost.

Or triple

When health reaches zero, rezzed with guards standing above you, fighting them off, or inside the church

Both lose some of equipment which is sold back by a merchant just near the cleric 25% gold is lost




Books to learn / unlearn perks




perks cost the skill points required to earn them

Or just half

Perk points are then always available, except

Books to learn perks/ receive the perks or as quest rewareds



Daily spell to switch elemental prowess

For the day, spells of [ice] cost 40% less mana, all other spells cost 30% more, and their power is increased 30%, while all others is decreased 40%

Mind or Will

80 less 40 more ratio switch between cost and power

Mage armor rating spells

Left – shield

Right – absorb x damage as well as increase armor rating



SPELLS FOR DIFFERENT dual cat / lefty righty

Oblivion gate

Does nada on its own

w/ fiore fire/ice/lightning spell

summons flame/frost/storm atronach

w/ heal spell spell

raise dead


Necromancer spells

Flay- changes a dead body to a skeleton w/ inventory intact

Invigor – reserves 40 HP of you to give pet 30% increase to base stats and damage

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