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Media Coverage of Iraq Casulaties


Should the media be allowed to televise caskets returning to Dover Air Base?  

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  1. 1. Should the media be allowed to televise caskets returning to Dover Air Base?

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Honestly, yea...


So America see's what Bush has brought them.

I know, it's a bit off-topic but in the 4 years Bush was president, the U.S.A has been involved in 2 wars and over 25.000 lives were terminated.


The american people should be worried...

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Who really knows the exact body count? I'm sure the American government wants to be careful and hopes for low numbers, while the anti-American countries want the numbers to be high to get attention to their cause. I don't blame either side when you look at what’s at stake. I doubt anyone on this forum took the body count themselves, and the official counts are probably un reliable, and rounded.

Funny in WW2 we boasted high numbers, the Axis forces lied saying they were killing many more Allies.

All I know is the Middle East has been a hot spot for conflict ever since the first civilization was founded there. The perspective many Americans have about the middle east is that the people are all in poverty, everyone is killing each other over religious feuds, and everything is dirty, camels are the only way to transit, if you commit a petty crime you get a limb lopped off or even your killed, and woman are treated poorly. Perhaps the most commonly suggested answer is to carpet bomb them all to hell.

I say, America was bashed for not getting involved in the Hattie conflict soon enough, but if we went any sooner we would be bashed for being heavy handed. The one who takes up the sword to stand up for what is right will be judged at every turn, and his every mistake will be immortalized, and he will be hard pressed to find reliable friends. America has done some dirty work, true, and we have got our hands bloody, but do not think we are savage murders unleashed to kill only innocent people. No country sends it's military to jail faster than America. Ever see Rules of engagement? Perfect example.

In closing, I'm fine with the kill count, and until the Middle East is a safe place for people to just live, I say keep it coming. If we don't kill there someone else will anyway, at we make an effort for peace.

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-> this is OT, sorry


The problem Acrid, is that America does not pick up the sword of justice to make the world a better place for other people, we pick it up to make the world a better place for us to live. The perception of our actions in the global community is that of an imperial invader who wants resources and place to sell our consumer goods...and screw whatever cultural and religious traditions we trample. If its not American it must be wrong, right?


As for the Middle East, much of the conflict that we see today is the result of Western intervention in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Colonial politics created the morass that exists today... Countries composed of 3 different ethnic groups that have never gotten along, whole groups dislodged and abandoned. And Acrid, women ARE treated poorly (by Western standards) in some countries in the Middle East. The most recent example of this being the Saudi TV anchorwoman whose husband beat her nearly to death, leaving her completely disfigured, because he thought she shouln't be showing her face on TV. But these are not reasons to hate Middle East, or to bomb those who live there whenever we feel like it. they are reasons to open our minds and work to understand their positions. I guarantee that some people there feel the same way about our way of life as we do about theirs. What a perfect opportunity to come together and learn about one another.


The body count in Iraq does matter, it matters a whole hell of a lot. It matters because we should never have gone there in the first place. We went for WMD, not to liberate the people of Iraq. Guess what (surprise) no WMD. Nothing. And now 115 soldiers and uncounted Iraqi's have died in the last 27 days...for what purpose? Because we invaded a country (which never attacked us) for absolutely no valid reason whatsoever. How would you feel if Canada and Mexico put together an international coalition and invaded the U.S. because they thought our leader was an unstable tyrannt who was stockpiling WMD? At least in that scenario they would be able to uncover some WMD. The body count matters because the more people we kill, the more pissed off relatives and friends that we will have to deal with later on. We have turned Iraq, which while it was not democratic was at least anti-extremist, into a breeding ground for new anti-Westerm terrorists. We should really pat ourselves on the back for that great acheivement.


As for your closing statement...its assinine. "If we don't kill there someone else will, at we make an effort for peace." What?! So it's okay for us to kill innocent people because if we don't then someone else will? What the hell are you talking about? Hmmm....by extension its okay for me to drink and drive because if I don't then someone else will. Also, I think its absurd that you call an illegal invasion resulting in tens of thousand of needless deaths an "effort for peace." :ranting:


Oh, by the way the country is spelled Haiti...

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I agree on Moljnir here...


The last time I recall the U.S.A picking up the 'sword of justice' as you call it was WW2 and Somalia...


Korea, Vietnam, Cuba -> I dont see much justice in attacking a people that has other political ideals... So much for the great freedom of speech who is so important in the U.S


Afghanistan -> Vengance, tho you have my support there...


Iraq -> I think the last time was very clear? Or will we hear a new fairy-tale?


I may have forget some, but one thing is certain. The U.S.A is defenitly not the bringer of justice...

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IMO, WW2 was the only War worth fighting and dying for. The whole shape of civilization as we knew it was at stake. If the Nazi's had gotten the Atomic Bomb beofre we did, things would be a whole hell of a lot different than it is right now.
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