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replace mage animations with atronach flame animation


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so I spent about 2 hours trying to do this


it should have been as easy as changing



with the



you have to change the names of each file to its corresponding match of course


(example \meshes\actors\atronachflame\animations\runforward.hkx renamed mag_runforward.hkx and placed in \meshes\actors\Character\animations folder)



but the skeleton nods are all match wrong :( so your arm ends up at the pelvic bone and your knee in the elbow :( lol


I think you have to open each .hkx file in some program and match each nod name to the right skeletal nod found in ( \meshes\actors\Character\skeleton)


sadly this would be a massive time drinker(theres about 20 files you have to change and each wouldtake about 10-20 min) and I dont have the time any more to do big mods



so here I am asking for some one who would love to have a massively successful mod and a awesome looking mage char

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