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7 Days To Die

back-hole and working elevators mods and a army tank


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Ok, I don't know what exactly you mean by a "Black Hole". As for the vehicles you mention, yes those would be really cool, however those are a BIG ask and I kinda doubt you will get much help with those. There are some mods that add new vehicles but that takes a lot of work to make and as the game is now all you could do is just drive them around. Meaning the tank wouldn't shoot anything and the Bob-Cat wouldn't bulldoze anything because ground modification just doesn't work that way in the game. Believe me, I wish it did.


In order to make a new vehicle you need to make 3D images for that vehicle and that is a skill that most modders do not have. It also takes a lot of other coding and resources. So you need a very advanced modder just to make a drive-able vehicle that looks like what you are asking for. Elevators are something that are just not in the game at all and I'm not sure if they could even be made with a mod. Moving parts are something I haven't seen in this game yet. So things you want to the extent that you want are most likely not possible yet and I kinda doubt they ever will be.

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OK, I looked at that video and it clearly says it's an SDX mod in the file name (SDX Elevator A17 v0.2.2.rar). SDX was removed from 7D2D with the release of Beta 17. The only way to make this work is if you install SDX on your server, your game, and everyone else has to have it installed. SDX is also not supported by Funpimps anymore so getting help with it is a bit difficult. So unless you know what you are doing this mod is not going to work for you. Sorry. It's also out of date so it might not work work anyways.


I suggest you visit the official 7D2D forums and look at the mods section there. Link below. You may find some mods you like there as well. I know there is a vehicle pack that has a helicopter that is really nice, and there are many modders that can answer your question about mods as well.



Edited by Lucifer2166
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