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Mod causing crash when opening map


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The CompanionsHousekeepingScript.psc errors are common even in vanilla Skyrim so I would ignore them. The "NULL form" errors, on the other hand, are a serious concern. Could be a corrupted savegame. It means that certain base Forms appear to be non-existent. The savegame is trying to access base forms that have been deleted or the modder was silly enough to change the Form IDs when updating his mod. Or, your savegame may be broken and valid Forms can no longer be found. Either way, that could cause your CTDs.


So it is probably not your mod causing the crash, but a bad savegame.

Edited by steve40
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I was wondering the same thing - however it was not about save games. My mod does alter the world of tamriel a bit and even one vanilla interior cell. Anyone who has played my mod knows I've made some hanged to a good sized portion of tamriel. But I have made it clean - no alterations to needed things such as quests or areas involved in quests. The tip of the mountain northwest of white run was perfect (right above the Molag bal shrine). When the mod was first altered, as in the area of tamriel that I altered and removed stuff, the crash never happened. It was towards the end when creating my interiors did it happen.


Also with save games, I am testing the mod without a prior save game. All I do is COC from the main menu to whatever area or cell I need to go to, I don't load a save game. Plus the mod forum for my mod has a bunch of people who use my mod over various (if not all) save games report a crash with the map.

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I'm having the same issue with my mod, Kane. Did you ever figure out what was causing this issue? I've got about 5 interior cells, as well as an unused section of Tamriel that I've been working on, and I have the same issue happening. It could very well be that a few statics have "Show in world map" ticked, but with so many statics I've NO idea how to pinpoint which ones may be offending. I guess for now I'll go through all of them, one by one, painfully double checking to see if this is in fact the problem.

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Yeah, as a follow up, I've gone through every static object in my mod and the only tick-box checked is the "On local map". While it *IS* the local map that seems to be causing this crash, the base game seems to have this ticker checked on all statics by default, so I am hesitant to rule that as the cause of this problem.
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What I did was go through every static I altered or made and added "DK" to the front. Then I went to ALL on the object window and did a filter for anything with DK in it. I went through all the base objects settings that started with DK and made sure tha the "Show on World map" was unchecked. Once I did this the crash issue went away. So it definitely was for my mod that issue.
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Right on, Kane! I'm glad that you've been able to solve this issue, and have been able to point me in the right direction. I'll use that exact method and and go through all my statics. I've got another question as I do all this - is it JUST the *static* objects that were causing this issue, or was it other types as well that you had to go through? Also, is this in EVERY cell that you modified, or just the interior cells? Edited by Calavera357
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I didn't look through cells just the objects themselves in the object window (the base objects are what matter). I looked through statics and moveable statics as they are the only objects in the game that have that option in their base objects but you can double check everything.
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Yea they will have asterisk. However you need to make sure you are not altering vanilla objects as it will change t throughout the whole game and cause serious issues with players using your mod. Also you need to rename them and not create new. If these are indeed objects that are vanilla that you altered just verify their base object setting and uncheck it.
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For the love of God and all that is holy, I can see the local map again! Thanks Kane, you're a life saver. I've not played this game in exactly a year (almost to the day!) because of this problem. Now I can go back to focusing on other bugs, like choppy lighting and LOD mistakes, lol! It was all of 5 statics that had the box checked incorrectly. When I FINALLY upload this addon I'll be sure you get a shout out!
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