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Vortex is renaming duplicate downloads


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I recently decided to replay Skyrim, and needed to download a ton of mods for SE. Now, as anyone can tell you, there are a crap ton of mods to download, and it is hard to keep track sometimes (especially if you experience a momentary internet disruption, only to find out that Vortex doesn't bother remembering the names of the 20+ pending mods that failed to download, only that a pending mod failed to download). Considering Vortex was the spiritual successor of NMM, I had figured that it would catch any duplicate downloads like NMM used to, but was surprised to see that it simply renamed the duplicate file (added ".1" to the filename) and downloaded it again.


My question: is there any way to prevent vortex from just auto re-naming the files? And if not, does MO2 do that? Also, does it allow you to retry to download the failed download or remember the name of the file that failed to download?

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