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I have borne this story alone far to long


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Maiden,mother,crone. The three faces of the Goddess. Aeryn is but another facet of her. Aeryn you demonstrate perfectly the enduring and supple strength of the sacred feminine. As you say, all women are Goddesses! After all do they not bring life? Your victory over the darkness and cruelty that you have endured is a testament to your strength and courage. I am certain your Father and Grandmother would be proud of you. Ultimately you are nothing short of incredible, most certainly someone worthy of the deepest admiration and respect, like someone else I know. As for your experience with the Goddess, the bard said it well, "There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamed of in thy philosophies Horatio."
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Maiden,mother,crone. The three faces of the Goddess. Aeryn is but another facet of her. Aeryn you demonstrate perfectly the enduring and supple strength of the sacred feminine. As you say, all women are Goddesses! After all do they not bring life? Your victory over the darkness and cruelty that you have endured is a testament to your strength and courage. I am certain your Father and Grandmother would be proud of you. Ultimately you are nothing short of incredible, most certainly someone worthy of the deepest admiration and respect, like someone else I know. As for your experience with the Goddess, the bard said it well, "There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamed of in thy philosophies Horatio."


Go raibh maith agat ( thank you very much) For your awareness, and kind words..Aye we do what we must la..The Irish are a resilient race, we have had to be..Especially us West Cork culchies..as they call us..I felt a tingle of warm, inside, when you said my DA and Grans would be proud..You are a kind spirit, in a world that so oft sees labels, especially the word lesbian, my goodness, people draw away as if it was catchy..or feel rage for the unknown scares the shite..outta them..when I was younger it hurt, for I suffred violence from it.. I am older..I just smile wryly now..at the lack of depth that exists..those that ne'er looks deeper into the soul and person inside..Its a shame what they miss..Thank you for looking..It refreshing wherever I cross then path of those that disdain surfaces and dare look deeper.. :smile:


The 'Goddess' is why I have my sanity,and the Path I walk my sustanance..The Sidhe are good comforters, but its nice to have it from humyn beings..la

Aye the Bard, had many a profound word did he not..If we just thought of ourselves as bodies how could we endure, and if we did not know this is but a play, and not true reality how could we remain sane, not me..I am me, and I am proud to be, and believe, what I do..and follow my soul..where'ere it leads.. usually when I do, I touch and am touched my others like here, on my way..it makes ups for any eejits I perchance may encounter..lolol.. for me there is no other way.. :wink:

"All the world's a stage,

And all the men and women merely players.

They have their exits and their entrances,

And one man in his time plays many parts,

His acts being seven ages."

Brightess Blessing to ye!!!

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Thank you Aeryn.


The world is full of wonder and beauty, unfortunately we all too often choose the demonic instead of the divine. We are both. Even though the wholly evil is far more frequently in evidence, the divine cannot be extinguished. The buddhists have said that all the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle. This is true, just as the light in your soul shines. We do not know the destination of the journey of our lives, however, it is the journey that shapes us. Strength, courage, devotion, love. Are these not elements of the divine within us? Fighting beside your Father was born from these. Fighting all within you for the sake of the Grandmother you loved was born from these too. Now it seems they have lead you from the mire and turmoil. They are a gift from the Goddess; and they are and always have been yours. You are no sister of mine, and yet you are a sister of Celtic blood. Just as we are capable of monstrous cruelty, we are also capable of compassion and understanding. A person, man or woman, is, as they do. Those that offer pain and suffering cause harm, but they cannot break us or beat us, unless we let them. You are testament to that very fact. Blessings, love, peace and happiness to you!

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  • 1 month later...
I hope bumping this isn't a problem as Dez told me to read it and it was a very thought invoking story but sorry for not posting something more in touch or divine im terrible with words just ask anyone who reads my posts(sorry dez)
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I hope bumping this isn't a problem as Dez told me to read it and it was a very thought invoking story but sorry for not posting something more in touch or divine im terrible with words just ask anyone who reads my posts(sorry dez)

sorry for what.the waters of life are deep and not without peril,how you face them makes the difference


Aeryn, as I read this again,did the tears well up and I feel how your heart and soul ached and felt.We truely share something special, of that I've no doubt.Our journey's it seems are intertwined and for that I am glad,for a path trod alone is arduous and weighs down on one like stone.Know that we will always walk together and I will gladly share the burden you carry. Strange is life and destiny,but the circle is always completed. Rest my sweet sister,know that I am with you in spirirt always.

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I hope bumping this isn't a problem as Dez told me to read it and it was a very thought invoking story but sorry for not posting something more in touch or divine im terrible with words just ask anyone who reads my posts(sorry dez)

sorry for what.the waters of life are deep and not without peril,how you face them makes the difference


Aeryn, as I read this again,did the tears well up and I feel how your heart and soul ached and felt.We truely share something special, of that I've no doubt.Our journey's it seems are intertwined and for that I am glad,for a path trod alone is arduous and weighs down on one like stone.Know that we will always walk together and I will gladly share the burden you carry. Strange is life and destiny,but the circle is always completed. Rest my sweet sister,know that I am with you in spirirt always.


My sweet Dezi..I'll click on your wee ones while I am here, if you will, I have a new one,with my others, and one all grown up I saw..for I can't stay..and go to the other thread also..need to go back lay down..


But..Like could I really leave this un-responded too..


Dezi my love, what can I say, accept the sentiment is mutual..This time of year, when it all took place, seems, my physical body remembers, this time, it hit me hard..So hard that I had to go to the hospital, with the oesophageal spasms, so bad they had to surgically release them , with an endoscope..and cut off a response nerve, they hope will end these attacks, but not without some consequences with it..


Just your words, and again, I forget I am alone here, and my burden is lifted a wee bit, just knowing that..Life is strange indeed.. Ah the soul's destiny, that thing that grabs the personal self, and when we let go to it, then lead us to places, ne'er dreamed of .. Ah Destiny, that which I followed my whole life, can sometimes lead you to a wall you cannot penetrate, with your dream on the other side..so you must except your fate then, and still go on..For once on its path one can't exactly turn around..There is a point of no return, and then one lives with whatever choices they made, and where're destiny has led the adventurer, on this small round earth....


Aye the circle is always completed, but sometimes you have to wait till another lifetime for it to do that, but it will complete, when its destiny aye it will...They just never tell us in the small print, when we enter this life, that we may find it, but that it might take another lifetime to complete..


I shall rest in your spirit arms dear sister, that I can feel at a distance..for in spirit there is no distance..


For asking someone to read this, why I am curious, but that you care, means allot to me..

Once again thank you for your kind loving words, of comfort and support..I need that just now.. :smile:




Edit..sorry I forgot Reaver thanks for reading it, I am a bit distracted physically..I do appreciate your words, they don't have to be many.. you don't have to say anything profound...its OK!!!

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