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I have a problem: I usually lose Shadowmere (Damned bugs :wallbash:) , so I must buy new horses, and I don't have such money....

I thought that a summonable, fast, and essential horse will help me and the people that have my same problem.....Which horse is faster than the legendary Sleipnir, the 8 legs Odin's horse?


What I want is:

Optional things:

  • A black version of the horse too, selectable by a spell, like the Mount Selection spell in the Akatosh Mount mod
  • If possible, I want it armoured with an horse Daedric armor

Well, I think it's quite difficult to do an horse with 8 legs, so, if you can't, can you do a normal horse with the features I've said before?


However, thank you.



Sorry for my english, but I'm not English


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sounds good :) i always like norse mythology... ya 8 legs would prolly look strange anyway...


Thank you for answering :wink:


I know it's quite strange, but if it's possible to do a dragon or a polar bear, I think it's possible doing a 8 legs horse too.......or maybe not :P

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because it would still require the creation of a new skeleton.......actually, if you could place them strategiclaly, you wouldnt need a new skeleton, because the mesh is just rigged to the skeleton as a controller, so you could rig the four extra legs to the opposite leg bones and have it work like that
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btw ive seen a depiction recently of odin riding his horse fighting that nasty snake daughter of loki, while being being accompanied by munir and the other raven... and sleipnijr only has 4 legs on this pic

and its a depiction quite old i dunno the style name but its definately before rikeling or whatever it was called thus kinda old...

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