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Where did the Dragon Killer Cart Mod go?


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I saw the dragon killer cart mod earlier and when i went to download it, it was gone! Anyone know what happened?
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it sucks! i finally get skyrim on my computer and find a real badass mod and it gets deleted... i may have downloaded it, im not sure. i was really tired, stayed up all night downloading.
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This is one thing I wish Nexus would fix because to be honest the "poof, it's gone" is lame as all gettup.


Do one of two things please:


1) Make the mod page read only, with a description of when and why the mod was taken down.


2) Make that mod page automatically refer to another web page which lists all deactivated/disabled/deleted mods, the date and the reason why.


Seriously, this is about as unprofessional as you can get for a mod hosting web site - to delete something and leave no explanation as to when or why, i.e. is it temporarily offli.ne or is it permanent.

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yes I deleted all download options


I was accused..... and my mod was pulled into the dirt. Something I do not need!


I have now completed the version 1.83. In due time maybe I'll upload the mod again

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yes I deleted all download options


I was accused..... and my mod was pulled into the dirt. Something I do not need!


I have now completed the version 1.83. In due time maybe I'll upload the mod again


Wish you would, I had it downloaded, and then had to reformat before I could ever use it. I saw the accusations and it was complete crap. I now have to use my basic camping set from another mod, and I walk everywhere, since most companion horse mods are buggy as hell.


Oh well, thanks for your work even if I never get to see it.

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  • 1 month later...
Hey! Its the actual creator! wait... accused of what? and apparently i did get it before it was gone. its fun but i suck at driving it XD
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