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[SKY] Where is ACTUAL load order list? It isn't %localappdata%\Skyrim\loadorder.txt


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One cannot subscribe or unsubscribe, as you put it, without a mod manager. There are more than a few mod managers including MO2, Vortex, NMM, Wrye Bash and probably some I am unaware of.


Except for the part that I DID subscribe and unsubscribe without a mod manager.

When you run steam and browse a steam mod account, it lets you subscribe and unsubscribe. I never utilized NMM, MO2, Vortex, Wrye Bash.

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In Win 10, C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Skyrim = %localappdata%\Skyrim.


Changing %localappdata%\Skyrim to %localappdata%\Skyrim.org proved they are not loading the list in this folder.


I was not 'wondering why'. It was an osbervation that mod lists are NOT utilized and it KNEW what to load BEFORE the folder was being recreated, and did NOT replace the load order files other than to make empty files.


As far as I can tell they just get loaded from the game directory \data folder if no mod manager is present.

Edited by Ashenfire
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Completely forgot about the Workshop and Bethesda mods, you are correct.


As for the rest Shadeybladey's post does a much better job of explaining than I do.


I do not have the knowledge required to install my mods manually and have the result be a stable modded game so I use a mod manager. There is also the fact that I am just plain lazy.

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For the record, my opening was that it was vanilla because I only installed the original game, thus vanilla.

I digress, because later I added mods and you guys are saying it isn't vanilla after that.


I am okay with that and will no longer refer to vanilla that way again.

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