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Skyrim Bug - Cannot join the Stormcloaks


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Hi there,


i've got a stupid bug in skyrim. ._.

I cannot go in with the mainquest except when I join the Imperials. But I'd like to join the Stormcloaks. ._.


I had to negotiate ceasefire with the Stormcloaks and the Imperials so I tried to talk to Ulfric and General Tullius.

Recently I started both quests for the Stormcloaks and the Imperials because I couldn't decide which fraction I'd like to join.

I first went to Tullius to talk with him about the ceasefire, but all I could say to him was that I'm ready to join or not. In the meanwhile I did some other quests. Later I went to Ulfric and tried whether I could talk to him and yes ... I was able to tell him about Alduin and the planned ceasefire. I still couldn't talk to Tullius without giving him an answer. So I decided to join the stormcloaks. I tried to talk to Galmar but he doesn't ask me for joining when I talk to him, he's just saying something like "It's a mystery to me how you managed to persuade Ulfric blabla ..." (I don't know the exactly words of the english version of Skyrim).


Because of this bug I cannot join the Stormcloaks yet. This is annoying.


Has anybody an idea what to do? Is there a cheat or a mod that could help me instead of loading an old save game (I'm not amused to play all those other quests again)? ._.


Would be really grateful for help!


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