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Ctd on equipping specific armor


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Trying to pin down a ctd issue that seems to be cropping up on me. Ive used this mod problem free for a long time before it started crashing.


Here is the mod in question:



After my recent reinstall about 75 percent of the time when equipping the torso armor i get a ctd. I did make some minor adjustments to the nif on my previous playthroughs as well as reduce brightness on a few textures but never had an issue. Now the problem is back with those adjusted files installed. I tried a clean install from the mod page and it worked just fine. I think i have it narrowed down to a texture issue, since on this clean install i added the modified textures i changed and im back to ctd on equip. Any thoughts on things to check?

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Alright so made a few changes and think there is something related to this and the armor loading into the gameworlds. I turned on 'useosallocators' in crash fixes and it lets me equip the armor once and then re-equipping causes a CTD. However I notice that if I equip it once, save and then load that save with the armor equipped then I can spam equipping/unequipping the armor which normally would have produced a CTD. Weird.

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