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Mod or Program to monitor a Crash to Desktop (CTD)


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Is there a program that will create a report after a CTD? I'm hoping there is one that will say what exactly caused the crash.


I'm getting a CTD at Bleak Falls Barrow, just outside it, when a dragon there starts to fly up to the sky.


Active Mods:




=== Mergeable

Following mods are active, but could be merged into the bashed patch.

* First Person Messages.esp

* KillAnimationAlways.esp

* QuickShouts.esp


=== Active Mod Files:

* 00 Skyrim.esm [CRC: C665FD56]

* 01 Update.esm [CRC: 412D96FB]

* 02 ApachiiHair.esm [CRC: 783F7167]

* 03 ETaC - RESOURCES.esm [CRC: DD301939]

* 04 Dawnguard.esm [CRC: BD72CCF3]

* 05 AP Skyrim.esm [CRC: 2D828927]

* 06 ApachiiHairFemales.esm [CRC: 0D4FC12B]

* 07 HighResTexturePack01.esp [CRC: D596F02A]

* 08 HighResTexturePack02.esp [CRC: D596F02A]

* 09 HighResTexturePackFix.esp [CRC: D596F02A]

* 0A Farkas.esp [CRC: 1AEAA3A0]

* 0B Chesko_Frostfall.esp [CRC: 3458CF2E]

* 0C StaticMeshImprovementMod.esp [CRC: 7985AB43]

* 0D dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp [CRC: 46D90E89]

* 0E katixasusablebarrels.esp [CRC: 2566D4E4]

* 0F PerkPointPotion.esp [CRC: 200F948A]

* 10 Auto Unequip Arrows.esp [CRC: C9F20617]

* 11 Chesko_LoreBasedLoadingScreens.esp [CRC: 8CCB72D5]

* 12 Ancient Skyforge Armor.esp [CRC: 43152769]

* 13 BFPU Orcish Armor.esp [CRC: D1AFA5FB]

* 14 Cloaks.esp [CRC: 6DD8E390]

* 15 1nivWICCloaks.esp [Version 2.1b] [CRC: 6732F645]

* 16 Daedric Extra Armor.esp [CRC: 7AB19402]

* 17 DragonHideRobeArmor.esp [CRC: 3E75DD1F]

* 18 Field Mage Outfit.esp [CRC: 402BC824]

* 19 hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp [CRC: 53E0D03D]

* 1A LeahArmor.esp [CRC: 341E5C02]

* 1B Mage robe hoods.esp [CRC: F25CC2FA]

* 1C PlatedMagiArmor.esp [CRC: E669E997]

* 1D R18Pn - Eisen Platte Armor.esp [CRC: 39A7C1BC]

* 1E Sovngarde Steel Armor and Weapons.esp [CRC: E2F0DB16]

* 1F UNPB Barbarian Armor.esp [CRC: 251CEAFC]

* 20 Dr_Bandolier.esp [CRC: 4402F887]

* 21 the paarthurnax dilemma.esp [Version 1.2.1] [CRC: 3CC73CA7]

* 22 archmagetolfdir.esp [CRC: B1D82D4B]

* 23 armored-horses.esp [CRC: 3B1B7A1E]

* 24 waterbreathing breathless emerge.esp [CRC: 563D4A7B]

* 25 Delphine.esp [CRC: F91A519E]

* 26 Headtracking.esp [CRC: 1D5E3F19]

* 27 Killable Lootable Children.esp [CRC: 8600A69B]

* 28 Mercy.esp [CRC: CE9239CD]

* 29 openfaceguardhelmets.esp [CRC: 014C2E0C]

* 2A Ysolda.esp [CRC: 814A898C]

* 2B shoutrecoverytimereduced.esp [CRC: 65142220]

* 2C Enchanting Freedom.esp [CRC: C1ED186F]

* 2D Crime and Punishment.esp [CRC: 374AB67E]

* 2E ArmorDisguises.esp [CRC: CA327D7C]

* 2F ACE Realistic Fighting.esp [CRC: 12EB4458]

* 30 ACE Speech.esp [CRC: 34BEA53F]

* 31 ACE Archery.esp [CRC: 36C49A86]

* 32 ACE Armor.esp [CRC: 7D73B6F9]

* 33 ACE Enchanting.esp [CRC: 5803707C]

* 34 ACE Magic.esp [CRC: 7F590038]

* 35 ACE Melee.esp [CRC: 8D1FC5EF]

* 36 ACE Smithing.esp [CRC: 52A3A325]

* 37 ACE Synergy.esp [CRC: 9146F25F]

* 38 Sit Anywhere.esp [CRC: 3CA90ED1]

* 39 3DNPC.esp [CRC: FCC9A6C6]

* 3A BrelynaMaryon.esp [CRC: 0A18148F]

* 3B CamillaValerius.esp [CRC: 3A9B09D3]

* 3C CarlottaValentia.esp [CRC: 99430670]

* 3D HirelingJenassa.esp [CRC: 37F2A30B]

* 3E HirelingBelrand.esp [CRC: 86F6F740]

* 3F HousecarlWhiterun.esp [CRC: E70C2908]

* 40 Annekke.esp [CRC: D2E8A173]

* 41 Mjoll.esp [CRC: CD371A27]

* 42 Uthgerd.esp [CRC: 380C87E3]

* 43 AelaTheHuntress.esp [CRC: 9DA5CEA4]

* 44 Taarie.esp [CRC: 4D5BBFDC]

* 45 argonianraptor.esp [CRC: 9CA2BCF1]

* 46 Skyrim Sizes.esp [CRC: 85EF565E]

* 47 minemapmarkers.esp [CRC: 2B702068]

* 48 Bashed Patch, 0.esp [CRC: 2C5BA0DD]

* 49 bandit camp.esp [CRC: 1D4725D1]

* 4A xpdummy.esp [CRC: 07C63BCA]

* 4B Dwemer Goggles & Scouter.esp [CRC: 67C84409]

* 4C ETaC - Villages Complete.esp [CRC: A817A0BD]

* 4D KillAnimationAlways.esp [CRC: E43F7E1B]

* 4E BuryTheDead.esp [CRC: 3B21B484]

* 4F AlynShirArmor.esp [CRC: 88847B70]

* 50 FA EbonyHelmet.esp [CRC: 789B71BB]

* 51 Vex.esp [CRC: 17ED0312]

* 52 Torvar.esp [CRC: F6501527]

* 53 Tonilia.esp [CRC: 926DEEA0]

* 54 Sven.esp [CRC: 4060CC94]

* 55 Sigrid.esp [CRC: 72F4F16E]

* 56 Sapphire.esp [CRC: 2A2110E1]

* 57 MirabelleErvine.esp [CRC: 51DF62F4]

* 58 Maven.esp [CRC: 87E58A02]

* 59 Irileth.esp [CRC: F8BA6414]

* 5A Hroki.esp [CRC: 690073BB]

* 5B HirelingVorstag.esp [CRC: E19EE13E]

* 5C HirelingErikTheSlayer.esp [CRC: 58542992]

* 5D GaiusMaro.esp [CRC: DCBBFF4D]

* 5E Fridrika.esp [CRC: 94C78EBA]

* 5F FraliaGrayMane.esp [CRC: D017BDCC]

* 60 Faralda.esp [CRC: F5F6A469]

* 61 FalkFirebeard.esp [CRC: F5EFAD83]

* 62 Faida.esp [CRC: 8F0AD003]

* 63 Faendal.esp [CRC: 5D38C4E9]

* 64 Embry.esp [CRC: CC8D4E14]

* 65 ElisifTheFair.esp [CRC: 6625766C]

* 66 DanicaPureSpring.esp [CRC: 7714719A]

* 67 Bryling.esp [CRC: 6531FFC7]

* 68 BrandShei.esp [CRC: F5A4ACBE]

* 69 Borgakh.esp [CRC: 66F14B1B]

* 6A Betrid.esp [CRC: 2856929C]

* 6B BalagogGroNolob.esp [CRC: C80B705B]

* 6C Arcadia.esp [CRC: BF61E5D3]

* 6D Anuriel.esp [CRC: 229F9B8F]

* 6E Ahlam.esp [CRC: 9C67BE65]

* 6F AdrianneAvenicci.esp [CRC: 3F15FD93]

* 70 DSpSoB.esp [CRC: 8FAD1B41]

* 71 beginner's shack.esp [CRC: 27080CAB]

* 72 Lively Followers.esp [CRC: 22BF2316]

* 73 Chesko_WearableLantern.esp [CRC: A451E273]

* 74 ReadAndLearnSpeechcraft.esp [CRC: 89856215]

* 75 Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp [CRC: A9064DAF]

* 76 DarkerPelagiusWing.esp [CRC: E96B881A]

* 77 EzEWorldMap.esp [CRC: 27944443]

* 78 dovahkiinrelax.esp [CRC: 516A5CED]

* 79 Appropriately Attired Jarls Redux.esp [CRC: 0EF19B0D]

* 7A CerwidenCompanion.esp [CRC: 1E00B2B4]

* 7B Natalie - Healer Follower.esp [CRC: 8D5A3BC1]

* 7C fcteResurrection.esp [CRC: 66650233]

* 7D DragonWordsDisplayed.esp [CRC: 8A277E8A]

* 7E QuickShouts.esp [CRC: 1DC38C46]

* 7F LockpickingOverhaul.esp [CRC: 22DB33C9]

* 80 LockpickingOverhaulPerks.esp [CRC: 3C2BE9AD]

* 81 First Person Messages.esp [CRC: 9A11B0C4]

* 82 UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp [CRC: 4DB512F3]

* 83 UFO - Dawnguard AddOn.esp [CRC: 4F7068C8]

* 84 FA Hide Armor.esp [CRC: 8E7D347C]

* 85 Armored Skyrim.esp [CRC: B5EB727B]

* 86 Barenziah.esp [CRC: C9BAB6DD]

* 87 GM-CookingRebalance.esp [Version 1.0] [CRC: 24786A7B]

* 88 TrissArmorRetextured.esp [CRC: 0ED5D1DE]

* 89 Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp [Version 1.0] [CRC: 3D4C88E2]

* 8A Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp [Version 1.2] [CRC: 5795BE7C]



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Open skyrim.ini and add these lines to the bottom:







Start the game, then exit, then start again. After the game crashes, go to: YourUsername\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Logs\Script. You'll find a file called "Papyrus.0"

Open it with wordpad, or even better, download and use notepad++


Also, use BOSS to sort your load order. The bashed patch should be loaded last. Rebuild it every time you change your load order.

Edited by asdgora
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