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A house inside Solitude


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I searched all over the forums to see if this already exists but it doesn't. I'd like to have a small/average player house (companion friendly, so navmeshed) inside Solitude.


I prefer to live in a city so the house mods in the Solitude area (there aren't much either!) don't really fit my needs. I know that I can buy Proudspire Manor but I just don't

like houses so big and luxury. It doesn't have to be a crappy shack, but just a small cabin or two or three room house in the Solitude 'living area' (not in a

wall/cave/underground) would be great.


special note: I use this mod and would like to keep it that way, so it would be nice if it was compatible with it:




So if you think about creating a house mod, why not placing it safe behind the Solitude walls? :whistling:

Edited by eend123
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