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Winter Overhaul - Taking ideas to improve my cold and hot module


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Hi there. So i recenty discovered https://www.nexusmod...28665?tab=files and i just love it, but i realized there is no compatibility with any cold and hot mechanic like Nuclear Winter, so when i was looking into making a compatibility patch i just asked myself why not to make a very minimalist system myself. I know how to do it, but was wondering if someone could give me some ideas or even better, tell me if there is a better way to do what i'm about to do. Here is my plan:


There is a global Variable (BodyProtection). Basically it counts how well is the player dressed for a cold climate. Each armor piece that the player equips adds to this. The script works as fololowing:

Each time the player equips an armor or armor piece, the script checks if it has one of the following keywords:

- if_Armor_Tier1: Little protection against cold (+1 BodyProtection - ARMS, LEGS, GLOVES, HEAD, OTHER ACCESSORIES)

- if_Armor_Tier2: Middle protection against cold (+5 BodyProtection - UNDERARMOR, CLOTHES AND BODY ARMORS)

- if_Armor_Tier3: Great protection against cold (+10 BodyProtection, Special full equipment ex. Hazmat suit, power armor, unique armor sets, coats).


For it to work i need to add these keywords manually to every armor in the game plus every other armor from mods (ufff).

The script defines which keyword it has and then applies the bonus to rep_BodyProtection. For example, let's say you put an underarmor like the vault suit (+5 BodyProtection) plus a combat armor (+5), combat legs and arms (+1 each) and combat helmet (+1) for a total of 13. That's your protection (BodyProtection = 13)

The script then checks this value. Each check is made per minute, then it applies penalties or bonus as following:

BodyProtection < 15 = Equip Potion: Hypothermia, Periodic damage, -2 STR -2 END, Chance of getting sick.
BodyProtection > 16 & < 25 = Equip Potion: Warm, +20 Cryo resist + 1 END
BodyProtection 26+ = Equip Potion: insolation. Periodic damage. -2 STR, -2 END, +20 Cryo resist

BodyProtection CAN'T BE BELOW 0 AND OVER 50.

Hot Meals: +5 to BodyProtection (oneffectstart +5/oneffectfinish -5)
Any cooked meal and of course hot drinks (grilled meat, advanced meals with 2 or more ingredients).

Cold Meals: -5 to BodyState (oneffectstart -5, oneffectfinish +5)
Any meals not cooked and found in the world (water, packaged food, nuka drinks).

Alcohol: +10 to BodyProtection (oneffectstart +10, oneffectfinish -10)

New Item: Stainless Steel flask.


Kinda like a canteen, but for alcohol. This way you can choose between using vanilla alcohol drinks for the buff as well or you can "charge" the flask with one alcohol bottle (5 charges on the flask) and use the alcohol just to take a sip even now and then, and keep you warmed for a limited time without the drawback of getting addicted to alcohol.


My script will detect hot sources (which is basically if there is any of the items on a formlist near thecharacter in like a 50-100 radius) and if it finds one no penalties are applied.

After all the basics are covered i can get fancy and start adding stuff like the cold breath effect or even adding voice comments over the actions (like coughing while not having good protection).

That's it for now. Hope to get some thoughts.

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