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Did Fallout 4 shoot up El Paso?


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If videogames made people kill, we would be living in a sea of bullets, blood and death, everywhere, constantly. It's absurd beyond belief.
Some politicians use games as culprits try to distract us from other violence causes that they don't want us looking at.
That being said, you appear to be asking genuinely. Which has me worried. Do you play a game and then feel an urge to mass murder? Get help or turn yourself in, as fast as possible if this is true. And if it's not true, and games don't make you murder, then... seriously, why are you asking, you already know that they don't make you crave murder.

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... seriously, why are you asking, you already know that they don't make you crave murder.

The current American President (the orange guy) has blamed the causation of mass shootings on video game. While it may be a lame excuse to deflect the need for gun control, it is still a valid point for video game players to discuss.

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circa 2013 "The current American President (the black guy) has blamed the causation of mass shootings on video game. While it may be a lame excuse to deflect the need for gun control, it is still a valid point for video game players to discuss."


Party doesn't matter, everyone wants to blame video games because they're an easy scapegoat.


The problem with "gun control" is that nothing proposed has any impact on crimes we've seen. The "assault weapons" ban is purely cosmetic. Magazine size restrictions are worthless because you can modify them very easily to expand them, and with a bit of practice you can reload in seconds anyway, and if you've seen videos of recent mass shootings they usually bring multiple weapons so they don't have to reload. A shooter could get a credit card with a $5k limit, go out and buy 20 hi point pistols for $2k, an assault-weapons-ban-approved arpistol for $650, a semi auto shotgun with extended shell tube for $360, and then tons of ammunition/range practice time.


How do you prevent this? Background checks are no good because they don't have criminal histories, and those are already in place for all transactions but non-business person to person. Even those have some legal requirements in most states anyway (such as checking for either handgun permit, or handgun purchase permit and recording it).


Ban standard capacity magazines? Guns are so cheap shooters are already opting to bring in multiple guns anyway


The fact is if we want to reduce gun crime further (Which should a small priority imo, since if we focus on car deaths even a small fraction of an improvement would save way more people) we need to get tougher on crime by leaving criminals convicted of violent crimes (and especially firearms related crimes) in jail for life since they have such a high rate of recidivism. This was actually tested in Virginia (look up "Project exile") with good effect, but it was shut down despite being effective because it had a greater impact on minority communities.

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