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Usually guaranteed drop not working


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I'm trying to get a named NPC to drop a particular weapon on death but cannot seem to get it to happen. I've done this many times before with other NPCs and with no problem, but this time no. I added the item to the inventory, both as a weapon record and leveled list, no success. I did the same with the death item field, no success. Chance none is always at 0. Any ideas?

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No, it's a playable weapon, albeit added in by a mod. It spawns occasionally on certain enemies(which doesn't make sense to me either because the records show it as it should drop 100%), and you can use it. But I'm trying to get it t spawn on a named NPC. Countless testing rounds and it hasn't spawned once.

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All right, so I solved it. The solution was simply starting a fresh game. I don't know why I needed to do this though. I was toying with super mutant records, Big Mack specifically(boss at Wilson Atomatoys). I messed with height and inventory, nothing else. I also messed with the height of other super mutants, and this is where I get confounded. The height changes I made for the mutants all showed up in-game with a loaded game, so I thought no problem, I don't need a new game to view the changes. But the changes for Big Mack did not appear, his inventory and dimensions remained unchanged. New game, fast travel to Atomatoys and the Big Mack changes took shape. So why did I need a fresh game to view his changes but not the other unnamed mutants? Can anyone shed light?

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Ah, so that's what you meant by "named NPC".


That's actually a leveled boss character placed by a quest "DNMasterQuest", which pulls the name from a message form for this character (quest alias DN155Boss). Your previous experiment didn't work because this boss was generated by the quest before your save was made.

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You can use the coc command and the Editor ID of a cell in the console from the main menu to load into the cell without a save file:


coc diamondcityext03


...as an example. This spawns you at the COC marker with an unequipped level 1 character that has no save files. It's a good way to do quick tests to see if something works during development. It eliminates the chance of things being baked into a existing save file that might cause problems for testing. It might not be best for all scenarios, but is a good way to test with a clean slate.

Edited by RedRocketTV
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