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Compaions attacking guards


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Whilst walking around one of the city’s with a companion we where attacked by a Mythic Dawn assassin (or should that be I was attacked ?) , any way in the fight that ensued my companion hit and finally killed one of the local guards making an enemy of all the guards in the progress.

Well what I want to know is if it is posable to appess the guards in any way like it is for the player?, or do we have to put up with lots of unnecessary fights?.

This is the first time that I have used a companion and think that there should be some way of stopping these fights getting out of hand if one is not already available.

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The companions and mods that I have instaled are


1 . Cm partners

2 . Companion share and recruit

3 . Viconia De`Vir

4 . Heather Golightly

5 . sexy companion


I had heather with me and only had her options avabale at the time.

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i think they conflict somewhere or either one must have hit the guards


i bet one is effecting or conflicting with oblivion Crime Script you got OMM if so i would do a Conflict Check but i think its CM partners and Companion Share and Recruit but i could be wrong



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I have just run a OMM confiict check as you sugested and the only conflicts that I found with my companions etc. where dialog and clothing nothing on NPC`s or scripts.

OH! Yes my companion DID HIT AND KILL a guard, but can I put a stop to there punishment so we dont have to kill off the whole of the city guard that is my question.

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if it was a stand alone follower like Sonia putting her in the Guard Faction should help but i cant help you there!



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Unfortunately putting a companion into the guard faction, and or city faction did not stop them being put upon by the guards or towns foke, If they hit someone by acadent in a mass fight so I`m still looking for a solution to my little problum.
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Have you tried the Companionship Rings mod? Other than that I don't think there's much you can do about accidental hits on friendly NPCs causing an unwanted fight (we need a diplomacy mod for blue-on-blue incidents :biggrin: ).


Might be best to instruct your companion to stay out of a potential skirmish if it's going to get busy. They can be unpredictable. I have Viconia and she sometimes shoots me full of arrows when things get silly..

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