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The Most Interesting Bug I've ever seen -- Help please?


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So I'm currently working on a new quest mod. And I've created a town with about 20 NPC's


All of these npc's have packages. Some Sandbox, some patrol and some guard. Even some target shooters.


They all follow their packages perfectly while i'm in the general area. The guards are guarding their linked xmarkerheading ref's, the patrols are following their xmarker paths... etc.

However, as soon as I quick travel out of the general area and return... things go a bit haywire.

A good chunk of about 10NPC's are all congregating in one spot?? And by congregating I mean dog-piling in one location?


It makes no sense at all, there's nothing there that would spark any interest to them?

Only a sniper on the roof with a guard package should be up there

They've all abandoned their packages to gather around this campfire of nothingness.


They're congregating on the roof of a two-storey abandoned building - Do Npc's get a bit confused when there's many different layers of navmesh?

Is there anything specific I should do to Xmarkers and Idlemarkers to make sure others don't use them?

Perhaps no low level processing?

I'm really not sure at this point :(



It's really bumming me down because there's no solid explanation for this >:|


Tell me what you think please, it would be most appreciated..

Edited by JacobWhinwright
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Make sure you have two things:


1.) Your NPCs do not have the No Low Level Processing Flag - If they do, they do not path and change packages while the player isn't nearby, which can cause this.


2.) Insure you have a Navigation Mesh Info Map for your Navmeshes. To insure that, Finalize all of your Navmeses, and look in the file using FNVEdit to make sure it's there.



Your file being an esp or an esm has nothing to do with navmeshes, only with NPC body textures.

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