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Many ideas but no talent


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Hi everybody. As the title of this topic says, I have many ideas; some are thougher than others to make and some would take a lot of time. I'll expose some of them to you all here and I'd like to have comments about them and eventually see some of them availiable for download.


Amulet of holding : Boost carrying capacity by a 1000 pounds (hidden at the bottom of a pond or a lake)

Skyforge armor : Enhanced steel plate armor

Ring of fire immunity , Ring of frost immunity and Ring of storm immunity (Could be bought at a very high price from a traveling mage)

Silverhand main base with silverhand quests, silver arrows and something to upgrade the silver sowrds and greatswords

A quest called revenge of the eight dragon priest wich would include Konahrik and a unique staff of dead thrall


and many many other ideas. I've also got scenarios for the quests mods requests.

Thanks in advance to all who are going to answer me!

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Hi everybody. As the title of this topic says, I have many ideas; some are thougher than others to make and some would take a lot of time. I'll expose some of them to you all here and I'd like to have comments about them and eventually see some of them availiable for download.


Amulet of holding : Boost carrying capacity by a 1000 pounds (hidden at the bottom of a pond or a lake)

Skyforge armor : Enhanced steel plate armor

Ring of fire immunity , Ring of frost immunity and Ring of storm immunity (Could be bought at a very high price from a traveling mage)

Silverhand main base with silverhand quests, silver arrows and something to upgrade the silver sowrds and greatswords

A quest called revenge of the eight dragon priest wich would include Konahrik and a unique staff of dead thrall


and many many other ideas. I've also got scenarios for the quests mods requests.

Thanks in advance to all who are going to answer me!


You may start thinking modding your self...little patience and training and you can fullfill these request you have

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I guess it's true some of my ideas are easier than others. For the Skyforge steel armor, I'd use the steel plate armor, change the stats so it would be as good as the ebony armor. It would use the steel smiting perk and only be craftable at the skyforge. It would be upgradeble and its name would be Skyforge steel armor/boots/helmet/gauntlets. Thanks again!
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