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Changing NPC Clothes Automatically


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Hello Everyone


Not sure where to start really. I started a simple house mod and it is now out of control. I have the house, personalized items throughout, and an npc.


What I would like to know however, is there a way to have the npc change clothes for the activity that she is doing?

There are five different things I have her AI set to do.


1. Sleep.

2. Eat Breakfast.

3. Run the store.

4. Eat dinner.

5. Read a book in the library.


I have pulled together different outfits from numerous clothing mods that suit each activity.

I can't however seem to figure out how to get her to change outfits by herself.


What I would like to do if possible is to have her change into her sleepwear when she goes to bed, then change into her breakfast clothes when she eats breakfast.....and so on.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.





P.S. I am really new to the whole scripting thing so I will need someone that is fluent in stupid to get me through this if possible :)

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Although I don't know the scripting myself, I can point you toward a mod that has done this sort of thing, The Romancing of Eyja. I think if you examine her AI packages, you'll find a way to do it. It involves going to specific containers for each clothing change.
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