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Veteran ranger hooded trench coat


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Well on impact the holo rifle blast effect, the texture needs to look clustered. as for the trench coat it the hood should look natral and fit on the flaps on the shoulders


Well it's possible, don't know if I'd do it......and if I did it would be a quite a while down the line. But something like the holo blast effect on a holographic sword is something I could do fairly quickly. But it's your request and if it's not something you want than I can understand that.....but I don't think anyone is going to make the clustered blocks your looking for.


Re: the trenchcoat hood, there is pics of it on the link, that's what it will look like.

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I know what it looks like my suggestion is to maybe edit the collar flaps make it look more park of the coat maybe make a few color variations etc, maybe a shisekkabe fire sword edited to look more holographic and technological (no pack of course lol maybe laying around big mountain or the sierra madre (but please not out in the open)
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I know what it looks like my suggestion is to maybe edit the collar flaps make it look more park of the coat maybe make a few color variations etc,


I'll see what I can do


maybe a shisekkabe fire sword edited to look more holographic and technological (no pack of course lol maybe laying around big mountain or the sierra madre (but please not out in the open)


Yeah I can try experimenting with a packless shisekkabe and the holo effect.

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Okay my suggestion would be a mini holo emitter where the nuzzle originally was,


It doesn't really have a muzzle, it's like a flaming sword.


if you have gra pack maybe make a packless unique shisekabab (which already is sort of blue) something like that might work perfectly


I'll take a look at it, but it may not be possible to make it holographic when it already has a flaming effect.


It would be much smarter and more lore friendly to make a holo sword using the sword mesh (just like was done with the holo axe in the VR room) then add the holo impact effect from the holorifle. I mean why would someone program a holoweapon that is based on a jury rigged flaming weapon made of junk? Doesn't really seem to make any sense to me.


But a nice holo weapon such as a sword or axe (which is already at OWB), fits in lore perfect and everything is already there for me to put together.

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