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Humanoid deathclaw 2


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The one thing I never understood about the intelligent deathclaws from fallout 2 was why weren't they sterile like super mutants? . . . I mean all evidence leads to the concusion that when the enclave created them they must have used a genetically modified strain of the F.E.V. to create them. I think the whole egg system could work but there would have to be a high chance of non viable eggs in a clutch.

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The one thing I never understood about the intelligent deathclaws from fallout 2 was why weren't they sterile like super mutants? . . . I mean all evidence leads to the concusion that when the enclave created them they must have used a genetically modified strain of the F.E.V. to create them. I think the whole egg system could work but there would have to be a high chance of non viable eggs in a clutch.


Well supermutants are created from humans, where as deathclaws are a modified genetic lifeform (jacksons chameleon or some weirdness). I think the base form (starting point) is important, in re: to how it reacts to FEV and the fact that reproduction may also have involved selective breeding in the case of the deathclaws.

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Yeah I that sounds right as well considering that all the horses were wiped out by the F.E.V. I guess every animal species would adapt differently to forced mutation.

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So, things work like that. Basicly the player needs to be fored mutated OR given a choice to mutate or not. like....If you get mutated your social skills go down because your a BLOODY DEATHCLAW! Or if you choose to stay human you keep human stuff.


Somewhat in re: to human equipment. Q rigged on to a supermutant, so if that skeleton is used some weapons are still available. I don't remember what all there are, but gatling laser, hunting rifle, bumper sword, the rebar club, etc. Check that playable super mutant race for the things that *could* be used with that skeleton.

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