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For a long while I've been considering this. So I sat down today and did the rules. Here they are and they are simple.





The Hunter (Predator)


The Yautja are a group of aliens that seeded the roots of civilization on early earth for mankind. Seeing them as hosts for their greatest prey. The Serpent. Hunters are nomadic groups that live in starships, There Homeworld is Yautja Prime. A clan-ship is large and powerful but they are limited, they act as exploration craft and warships in equal measure. The Hunters pursue the hunt much like a religion, their Elite are considered their greatest but a Clan Overseer is considered a priest. Given significant respect and on the day of their deaths A Great Hunt is issued where they descend on a seed world to hunt their favored prey. Although strong they have a great sense of martial honor. If one is not armed they will not kill, no sport but they have been known to take a challenge to melee combat if prompted.


Most Yautja don't have names literally just phrases they adopt that has been given to them by prey, mostly human. Those that are remembered are often remembered by the terrain they hunt in like Jungle Hunter or City Hunter or by their specific task in a Pack like Tracker, some are even given names by traits or through legendary acts in their first hunt. They communicate mostly through a series of clicks, whirs and body language. But their masks translate these things into audible speech. Female predators are commonplace, not stuck in a breeding and feeding manner many females are considered great warriors and more often then not are clan leaders. the defining feature of females is slender but well built bodies and breasts, they also have less rugged mandibles and longer dreadlocks. Females hold an equal standing in their society and in some cases prized. A hunter will go on very dangerous hunting missions for the chance at courting a female, a daughter of a honored hunter or particularly good hunter.


While capable of living for thousands of years most do not make it to a old age because of their lifestyle but the average youngblood is around three hundred years old. The Yautja generally have single births but one male can take multiple females if hes earned the right by having many trophies and honorable kills. Same goes for females, there are many females that have multiple mates because they have been given the respect and earned that right. A yautja that succeeds in killing a Xenomorph Queen becomes an Elite and therefore a title member in his or her clan. A little known fact is that consuming the flesh of a Yautja will give a human incredibly long life. To about 200 years and it reduces the effects of aging. This is only disclosed to apprentices and it is encouraged when the apprentice wishes to travel with them since it takes many years to learn the ways of a hunter.


In some situations Yautja fall from their strict honor system and are deemed Bad Bloods, mostly for attacking unarmed foes, killing other Yautja without permission via Adjudicator or Clan-Leader and killing forbidden prey (the sick, injured or pregnant women). These Yautja are often executed but some escape and become Bad Bloods. Some are given chances to redeem themselves by going on a particularly difficult hunt and coming back with a grand prize, this usually is going as the fourth man on a hive extermination hunt or hunting a Queen Serpent with only Wrist-Blades. Usually this ends in the hunters death but if they return alive and victorious they are pardoned of their crime, this pardon however is only offered once and if they should re-offend they are executed on the spot.


If a Yautja should go on a hunt with his Pack and his Packmates perish yet he survives and returns home with no prize, he is irrevocably dishonored and often commits a ritual suicide in the completion he regains his honor in the afterlife. the Yautja very clan by clan, for example in some clans the females are larger and stronger where in others its the reverse, in others the older they get the stronger they are or they are a group of Bad Bloods that banded together. Clans form on their own but the clans themselves are watched over by a leader and that leader reports to the Adjudicator's a group of Yautja that are the elite of the elite. Centuries to thousands of years old they have survived hunts by themselves that whole packs failed to complete. Their word is literal law amongst the Yautja, akin to gods they are the end of all disagreements and the leaders of their people.


The Predators Weapons:


Wrist-Blades: The signature weapon of the hunter. A dual bladed weapon attached to a gauntlet that can retract. It is also resistant to the effects of Serpent blood but extended use will destroy them. Some of the younger predators, the Youngbloods have recently come to favor a pair of Wrist-Blades on each arm, and have adapted them to fire at their opponent, while only useful at close range it makes them much more deadly.


Razor-Disk: A fast moving weapon that tracks via the targeting laser built into the Predators Mask. Also capable of refracting off walls and striking with extreme force. The Razor-Disk will always return to its owners hand.


Plasma Caster: The shoulder mounted coaxial plasma weapon. it is powerful but its shots are limited by the self-charging battery. A quick burst-shot consumes little to no power but is non-lethal, great for knocking an opponent down and then closing for a coup de grace up close. A charged shot is fatal to all but the toughest enemies.


Combi-Stick: A spear like weapon that retracts to a small staff. This weapon his very personal to each hunter, handmade by him upon his initiation into the Elite. A very deadly spear that can be used as a melee weapon or a ranged weapon.


Prox-Mines: An energy-based landmine that can be used as a tool or weapon. it requires energy from your power-cell before use.


Mask: One of the most useful pieces of equipment available to the Hunter. It contains two vision modes, Thermal and Low-Light. Thermal is the most useful for tracking Humans and Synthetics since they give off heat, Low-Light is used mostly to traverse dark areas but Serpents armor and skin glow in the view of Low-Light Visionmode or Humans goggles.


The Predator Falcon: A tool that is widely disused by Yautja but some like to have it, it requires a bulkier mask because of the added electronics and a shoulder to dedicate to it, which most prefer for a Plasma Caster but those with the desire for greater tracking capabilities usually have this setup. The Falcon is a biomechanical bird that can see in a broad array of spectrums, the owner can also see in these spectrums. The bird itself flies with a small anti-gravity propulsion system and an engine but it can fly silently, giving it an edge when tracking opponents.


The Survivor (Colonial Marines)


With the advent of space travel humanity has settled the stars, with that the Xenos were found not on a distant planet but on earth itself. With that the Weyland-Yutani corporation has set out to discover lost technologies through exploration. The Federation Colonies has been contracted in support and offered their assist wherever needed. Because of this partnership the Marines have been given access to every weapon, vehicle and piece of hardware under the sun and a surplus of funds.


The Marine Arsenal:


The Assault Rifle: Full auto, high power standard issue weapon. A Marines closest friend. 32 round magazine and has a built in air-burst linked grenade launcher.


The Flamer: Standard flamethrower, pretty basic in what it does...its pilot light doubles as a handy cigarette lighter aswell.


Sidearm: a .45 caliber, JHP (Jacketed Hollow Point) round pistol. Good for upclose and personal or last effort, either way besides the knife this is one of the best close range weapons.


Mossberg: Close range, pump action shotgun. Favored with Synthetic Assault Troops. 8 round magazine and can be loaded with special Hot-Shot Slugs. Slugs that when they impact burst into large inflamed shards. :CAUTION: Fire Spreds.


The LMG: A heavy machine gun that acts as squad support weapon, held onto the solider with a special target tracking system and a full out or tracking burst fire modes. Developed after the Xeno's Outbreak on Tetis IV specifically for 'Bug Hunting' as the marines call it.


Yutani-Arms Milspec Personal Armor: Every Marine has one, capable of stopping a blade or bullet with ease but Predator weaponry such as the Combi-Stick or the Wrist-Blades cut through it, The Aliens Daggertail and their Claws penetrate well but not as well.


Yutani-Arms Motion Sensor: A personal device that can be held in the offhand or mounted to some weapons like The LMG or the Assault Rifle. It keeps track of movement by using a broadband sound to follow the minor vibrations in metallic objects or by obstruction like sonar.


Marine Vehicles:


The Armadillo: A general all purpose APC that can be Orbital-Dropped by Valkyries. Fully encloses with all-terrain tires or Tread-Pods for cold weather travel. One turret at the front next to the driver and another over the rear hatch.


The Kodiak: A large all purpose tank, rarely seen but when needed nearly unstoppable, it carries a large 200mm Cannon with a coaxial 20mm Rotary Autocannon. Its armor is nearly impenetrable but its sole weakness is its dependency on electronics for firing. Plasma weapons can temporarily disable this function.


The Valkryie: The Orbital Dropship/Transport/AttackCraft used by the Colonial Marines. Carrying twin Rotary Cannons and four missile pods of Air-To-Air and Air-To-Ground plus Rocket pods it is a strong craft. Powered by twin-rotational turbine engines this VTOL vehicle is called the 'Workhorse' because it can airdrop nearly anything, including the monstrous Kodiak.


F.C.S. Icarus: The Forward Operation Craft and battleship in the Calavera System. The majority of the colonial forces reside in this ship above orbit.



The Serpents (Aliens)


The Serpents are a strong race of buglike aliens that reproduce through a host, they come in classifications such as.


The Drone: The soldier and the worker of a Hive. Equipped with a extending tongue like bite along with razor sharp claws and a blade tipped daggertail. Efficient and deadly, cold and calculating. The Drone is smart and the perfect ambusher. By themselves the drones are fairly weak to a Predator or a squad of Marines but they come in large groups and stage ambushes. Capable of seeing through a predators cloaking device making them a good line on a predator since they tend to attack the first thing they see.


The Runner: A fast moving alien that moves on all fours constantly much like a Drone they can cling to nearly any surface and move along it quickly. Although they do no possess the daggertail they have the ability to spit an incredibly corrosive and fast acting acid at an opponent. Making them a lethal ranged opponent, physically weaker then the drone but they are still tough because of their quick speed.


The Praetorian: A colossal alien that acts as the synaptic core of a Hive with the exception of the Queen. Praetorians are rare on the immediate front but they are always present in the Hive. If the former Praetorian of a hive is killed and time allows a Drone will Metamorph into one. Heavily armored and amazingly strong they are one of the few things that could openly take on a Marine Kodiak and survive but their large size makes them incapable of wall crawling or extreme speed.


The Queen: The Center of the Hive. Tall and powerful, she is a praetorian but much stronger and much meaner, Kill her and the hive dies since they are unique. While she is suspended in her egg laying state she is largely immobile but when she is injured or when she calls all of the Hive responds so be prepared for waves of opponents. Given sometime she can seperate herself from her eggsack and is free to attack and move.







Calavera Prime:


A remote system of five planets orbiting a binary star, Calavera Prime is a jungle world rich in Oil and Therosite. Two resources that bring The Federated Colonies. When they discovered Calavera they came across a series of ruins many thousands of years old. There they mistakenly unleashed The Serpent Queen that had been slumbering there. Kept in a cryostasis for future hunts by The Hunters. With the death of the great clan leader Kolthak the Great Hunt has been called. The greatest of Elites and the most promising Youngbloods are sent there to claim honor and victory, the last hunter to survive is the winner. Since the discovery of the 'Lost World' that is Calavera many factions have come to plunder its resources. The Colonial Marines came for the oil and Therosite but because the original founders of Calavera, a group of independent explorers, Weyland-Yutani used a loophole in their contract with the group in their purchase of the ships they used to travel there, one which crashed and another lost during travel, the Third acts as a home to the independent settlers that have flourished after ten long hard years. Weyland-Yutani sent a ship after them once word had traveled back, Five years after the word had reached them The battleship Icarus was dispatched with a permanent military force and occupation of Calavera, Weyland-Yutani sent its own force equipped with state of the art Synthetic security forces and researchers with contracted personnel and equipment. Five years later they descended as allies. But the harsh conditions soon changed that, seeing the long trip home and once only five years are they resupplied they split their temporary alliance and became rivals, at first it was disagreements but a number of events sent the two at one another and blood ran the streets. After nearly fifteen years the independent group known as 'Calaverans' or "Locals" as the Marines call them created Calav City, now the locals pick the bodies clean after a skirmish and survive in their scavenged city. Generally peaceful the locals number one enemy is the Xeno's, The marines like to call themselves the best Bug Hunters but in reality it is the Calaverans, they have been fighting them for nearly twenty five years and they are still holding strong regardless of the constant attacks. Their despotic leader and religious leader, a pious man named Jedidiah Kane has ruled over their Republic Of Calavera since its creation. he keeps his people in line but its rumored that his leadership was stolen from the former captain of the craft that came here by way of mutiny but noone left aside of Kane himself can prove or disprove that rumor. Despite all of the Calaveran peace their is rumors of religious based atrocities being committed because a small faction within the group believe that they should be liberated from Kane and his Red Guard army. This group has contacted and is secretly working with The Colonial Marines to do such a thing but over the last three years nothing but a few skirmishes and the occassional bombing occur, mostly uncoordinated strikes and random riots spring up. The Colonial Marines in general see them as 'Peasants With Peashooters' but General Marcus keeps close ties with the rebels, hoping to someday overthrow Kane and secure the abundant resources they have claim to or atleast, gain a foothold. Chief Executive Smith has been supportive of Kane's regime for many years and has been supplying him with the arms he needs to maintain control.


When the Colonial Marines arrived they took over the Derelict. A crashed exploration craft sent there many years before, in which its entire crew vanished with no trace. Not even corpses were left behind. They populated it and turned it into a fortress from which to base their operations planetside.


The Serpents work from The Pyramid, a large structure on the southern end of the planet. There the primary Hive exists. Over the years since the exploration team released them smaller Hives have sprung up and they continue to harass the Colonial Marines.


The many groups of predators work independently on the surface, usually in Packs. Groups of three, one veteran to lead the group and two Youngblood apprentices. The Clan-Ship resides in a distant orbit around the star where small ships are dispatched to the planets surface.


Weyland-Yutani Corp works from The Refinery. They use an small personal army of Synthetic soldiers to guard their researchers and workers as they mine the Therosite and harvest the abundant resources including, wildlife and oil.


Your Role In The Conflict:


You as the player will be one of these races (Treat synthetics as humans but allied with Weyland-Yutani) You could be a Drone in the Hive, a veteran squad commander in the colonial marines or a youngblood predator looking to make his mark.


Your character sheet looks like this.







Kit: (weapons and armor or gear)




Simple but useable, the rules are easy. Don't god mode. Predators are strong but they are weak to the motion tracking systems of the marine and their cloaking devices only work against humans and synthetics, Serpents see through them. Serpents are stealthy but weak unless in numbers, as a Drone player you have Synaptic Command of other Serpents besides Praetorians and Queens. The Marine has all the toys but you are dealing with ambush-based opponents. Remember to check your flank and use your scanner but your strength is your teammates, your weakness is yourself. Physically you are weak in comparision so you rely on your robust technology.


Finally, have fun.


Good luck on Calavera,

Edited by Macman253
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Name: Wendigo (formally Jason Silverham)


Race: Human


Kit: Self-made mask using predator tech, very smooth, appears to be made of an opaque steel.

Personalized combi-stick made for close-range combat, one side extends to a naginata-like blade, and the other to a sort of trident.

Human-sized predator wrist computer, complete with wrist blades, cloaking, and a self-destruct mechanism.

Specialized suit made to maintain the human body under extreme stress, equipped with acid-resistant armor on the chest and arms.


Background: Born on Calavera shortly after the humans began arriving, Jason's life was completely guided by his survival in spite of the xenomorph hordes. His growth as ably differed almost completely from that of a normal boy his age, as he was constantly faced with death at the hands of monsters, and he quickly grew to learn their weaknesses. By the time he had come of age, a myriad of xenos had fallen before him, as he utilized sharp weapons and self-taught moves akin to judo to kill aliens with minimal harm to himself. When he did come of age, his efforts were finally noticed by the Yautja, who inducted him as an honorary member for his great prowess. He gladly left behind his people to join the Predators, where he finally felt like he belonged.

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Name: Blood-Tracker


Race: Yautja (Youngblood)


Gender: Male


Kit: Pair of Wrist-Blades, twin Razor-Disks. Wrist Computer with cloaking device and self destruct module. Speargun and Netgun. Predator Falcon harness and bird with special tracking mask that is capable of thermographic

and nightvision.


Backstory: Blood-Tracker earned his name from the fact that although he is a Youngblood he is a superb tracker. He single-handedly tracked a escaped Bad Blood for his clan and killed it, earning his Blooded kill and gaining much respect. His mask is made of the Bad Bloods skull and his armor made from the hard bone plating and bits of other animals hes tracked and killed which he integrated his tools into. His Falcon, Bloodwing has been his closest ally. Despite the Rule Of Three where packs hunt in threes he entered the Great Hunt on his own when he heard one of their best had become a Bad Blood and escaped to the surface of the reserve (Calavera). The Bad Blood being Jungle Stalker, Blood-Tracker's father. Jungle Stalker killed a female Yautja by the name of Huntress, she found out about Jungle Stalkers plans to ignite a clan war between the Vornskyr Clan and their own clan and confronted him, she was killed. Her mate Blood-Tracker gave The Final Vow, a hunt is declared against a single opponent for the sake of honor. The only way the hunt will ever conclude is if one of them perishes.

Edited by Macman253
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Actually, after the death of a queen, a royal facehugger produces a new one, or a praetorian under goes metamorphosis and becomes a new queen. Yes, I am a nerd :tongue: I'm interested, if enough other people are interested then I'll join :) Edited by Brutii
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