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could it be done ? -> a mod to write c program in skyrim for gameplay


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i learned c program, and love it - i dont think it will be practical to work with it, but thats a beautiful program to get you to understand programming to its depth.

i want to make a mod that will have the following features:

1. a player can learn to make scrolls at the "writing table" (similiar to enchanting table and alchemy lab)

2. the "writing of scrolls" would be actually writing c program. like - printing "hello world", using pointers, ext

3. the scrolls will have a lot of abilities - from instant kills to mind control, but most importantly, they would give a motive to the player to write them - nobody will write a program for a scroll that do lame 10 dmg.

4. all in all - that makes a new class - not a mage, but a scroll-mage, or as i prefer call it - rune scribe.

now from dreams to reality, that would be hard to do.

i thought about 2 ways to do it:

1. i arrange an

a. compiler (to run c program)

b. a platfrom that allow me to write on c in-game. and make the compiler read it

c. a way to make sure the player wrote what was required - for exemple, if he needed to print "hello world" and he printed "12345" the scroll wont work.

2. a. make a mod that sent all the program the player writes to an online compiler - and this compiler will send back only what is printed,

b. than checks out if the printing (that was sent back from the online compiler) went ok and printed required stuff in a simple if-else mod.


IF the scroll requires you to write a program that when you insert 1 the program will print "hello" and when you insert 2 the program will print "world". than the way that 1,2 will be inserted and checked would be for the player himself to do: in other words, the player will be required to 1. write the program, 2. insert the data for the program.

OR i could just find a program that will insert do it auto, i just think that would be harder.

so lets picture it for a moment:

1. the player sits in dragonsreach to write a new scroll

2. he can see that he can write a new scroll "kill all in 10 meter radius"

3. he sees that this scroll requrie him to write a program that "when a number is inserted the program will print all numbers prior to it, like if you insert 5 than it will print 12345, and if 2, than 12"

4. he writes the program down, and run it (in game) with the compiler, every time he run it - a sheet of paper is lost. here he can test his program without bounderies, exept sheets of paper lost.

5. when he is done and happy with his program -- time for the next step - the test: some program asks him to insert some spesific numbers and send it to the compiler

if everything checks out (by the simple IF-else mod) the scroll will be lightened with white light - the scroll is ready to use.

if it doesent checks out - all program will be deleted, so he will have to write anew.

after this basics has put into the game - we can talk about adding more: 3d and texture editing to make it seem nicer, more new intresting tests, maybe even writing the elder scroll - the biggest test in c program,

more features will include the ability to fight a against the clock in writing a program while battling a mage ext, but thats too early to talk about.

anyway, what you guys think ? can it be done in a month ? or less ? what skill set i need in order to get it done, beside modding language ?

thanks in advance !

an exemple for online compiler:


Edited by ori1234a
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