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Female Vampire neck/face texture


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Need help.


Playing with the Better Vampires mod, and have turned some characters into vampires, the problem is that female chars seem to have a bad seem in the textures between the body and the neck.




The mods I am using that I think would affect this are:


All in One Face for Dawnguard Vampire and Vanilla Races - UNP - CBBEv3 - Vanilla - All in One Face v4_0b Face Pack for UNP body

Amazing Smooth Females Complete - 0 - Smooth Females V3

Better Vampires by Brehanin 5_65 - Main Package - Dawnguard Compatible 5_65

DIMONIZED UNP female body - UNP BASE Main body V1dot2 (Tried CBBE as well to no avail)

No More Blocky Faces - No_More_Blocky_Faces-1_50

Normal Dawnguard Vampire Faces - ESP File

Coverwomen - coverwomen look_3

Coverwomen - seamless UNP and Coverwomen Look_3


Use BOSS for load order.


Anything you could point out that I am doing wrong would be helpful.


What I really want is a way to force vampirisim to ONLY CHANGE THE EYES, not the mesh and not the texture of the face. Any such mod or method?



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Need help.


Playing with the Better Vampires mod, and have turned some characters into vampires, the problem is that female chars seem to have a bad seem in the textures between the body and the neck.




The mods I am using that I think would affect this are:


All in One Face for Dawnguard Vampire and Vanilla Races - UNP - CBBEv3 - Vanilla - All in One Face v4_0b Face Pack for UNP body

Amazing Smooth Females Complete - 0 - Smooth Females V3

Better Vampires by Brehanin 5_65 - Main Package - Dawnguard Compatible 5_65

DIMONIZED UNP female body - UNP BASE Main body V1dot2 (Tried CBBE as well to no avail)

No More Blocky Faces - No_More_Blocky_Faces-1_50

Normal Dawnguard Vampire Faces - ESP File

Coverwomen - coverwomen look_3

Coverwomen - seamless UNP and Coverwomen Look_3


Use BOSS for load order.


Anything you could point out that I am doing wrong would be helpful.


What I really want is a way to force vampirisim to ONLY CHANGE THE EYES, not the mesh and not the texture of the face. Any such mod or method?




At second glance, it appears that this bug affects ALL charaters I turn into vampires, male and female, regardless of any body mods used.


So again, if anyone could point me towards a way to force vampirisim to only change a characters eyes, not the mesh or texture of the face that would be amazing.

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