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idea for modders


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If you must hear your PlayerCharacter's voice, you can create a duplicate of your "self" and have a conversation with the duplicate.


Then you can kill your 'self' because this is the most unnecessary mod I can think of.


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Konnen sie deutch ? Oder Japanese, oder eine anderen Language. İch glaube nicht.


Die Welt ist nich ABD !!!!






Sooooo HEAR YOU????


And not his, her please !! I am a Woman.


I speak 6 Language.


Have You any 2. Language ????




Thanks Talos

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Shizophrenic ?

Yes I am.


I am a Germany.


My Grand grand Father is Hittler


Please !! We talking about Oblivion. Not about English, or Japanese, or.............


If you must say 'Oh Well, his engish better my Japanise' ?


I am not a modder. I can't.


'Hear your Voice' is a bad Idea. OK.


Give you any information other Idea.


Or, please give you your new Idea.


A new topic 'Idea for Modders' is a bed Idea. ??


OK. Ignore

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hey dude ich empfehl dir mal ganz schleunigst nen neuen ton anzugewöhnen sonst ist deine forum präsenz bald zu ende... son kindischen mist wie ich bin der enkel vom addi braucht keiner... nix für ungut aber hier ham sich alle lieb und das soll auch so bleiben...



----------------translation for mods cause i know its the borderline next to a strike but i felt it was necessary to say...


hey dude i recommend that you change your attitude or your time here might come to an early end...

noone needs such a childish crap like im the grandson of adolf... no hard feelings but in here everybody is nice to each other and thats meant to stay that way

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She is a woman not a dude and i can see how she might have felt ridiculed.Being related to Hitler is an accident of birth not a choice.She

may have used that reference to more accurately portray that she is German and not Japanese.

In the beginning she said that she was sorry for her English and just wanted to share some ideas.

She got them across quite well,in fact.Too bad that she couldn't have been treated a little kinder for taking the risk of trying to communicate with those of another language.


I would like to hear my character speak as well.Perhaps today it isn't doable but who knows what the future brings.



Schizophrenics happen to be good people with an unfortunate mental disorder not of their doing.

Peace sembay i like your ideas.

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