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Follower bug


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hmm i searched for a while and i think its a problem with these 2 mods.





This is what reads in the mod page


UFO users:

If dismissed followers won't follow when hired again, and the rehire topic won't go away, load a previous savegame and dismiss all your followers before activating this mod.


I have been using both of those mods for a while so is there any way to fix this anymore

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Have you tried the setfollowercount 0 console command? I don't know that it will work, but if you can't load a previous save it's all I can think of.


Did not work... When i use show playerfollowercount it says 0. When i speak to her she says things like "lead on them" so i guess she is kinda following me without following me :D . Also i am unable to load a previous save so i have no idea what i can do anymore... I try uninstalling one mod but if it does not work im kinda screwed...

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Have you tried the setfollowercount 0 console command? I don't know that it will work, but if you can't load a previous save it's all I can think of.


Did not work... When i use show playerfollowercount it says 0. When i speak to her she says things like "lead on them" so i guess she is kinda following me without following me :D . Also i am unable to load a previous save so i have no idea what i can do anymore... I try uninstalling one mod but if it does not work im kinda screwed...


Aaaaand it did not work. I am screwed.

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