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Hello Nexus Community,


The idea here is as the title says, creating the most realistic Skyrim. In the past, I have encountered several mod lists for immersion but none of them were covering everything. I want to make a list covering NPCs, weather, character customization etc. I need people who are experience with modding and load order optimization. Hopefully, with your help, we will create the best, the most realistic, properly working load order.


We can be communicating on Skype or Discord.


Also, I want to the the same for Fallout 4.


Reply, if you are interested.

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Realism is different for every player. Personally, all of these mods which enhance how the PC and NPC's look is 180 degrees different that what would be considered "immersive". i.e. in a Civil War environment, people aren't dressed to the nines, don't look like super models and have a hard time just putting a meal on the table unless they are in the upper class of society.

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