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Documentation/tutorial on creating a simple NVSE plugin?


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Seeing IStewieAI come out with these welcome small tweaks, I figured I'd have a shot at making one of my own. I learned Pascal and C# by modding ES and Fallout, so this would be a good stab at working with C++.


Problem is, I can't find any documentation on making baby's first plugin. There is source code for an example plugin with NVSE, but no documentation. There's no explanation of functions, how to run code at specific game events, how to create a thread that constantly checks the game state, nada. So there's no real good starting point.


The plugin I have in mind, is to adjust the AI accuracy GMST records depending on the time of day. If it's noon, they are set to high values. If it's midnight, they are set to very low values. And as the time changes, so do the values for the GMST records. It's small in scope, so it shouldn't require a couple hundred lines of code.


So, I got to ask: are there any tutorials on starting out with making NVSE plugins?

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That would be the IDA 5.0 Disassembler hosted on the "ScummVM" site? From that page:



A recent discussion [Mar 2018] about the most recent IDA Disassembler freeware 7.0 revealed that it no longer supports disassembling older DOS and Windows executables. This is obviously a problem for potential contributors, as well as potential GSoC students wanting to reverse engineer an old adventure game or RPG for their project. The obvious solution is to provide an earlier freeware version that still supports them.

Consulting with Hex-Rays, they're kindly consented for us to host one of the earlier IDA freeware versions, for those in the future who wish to use it.




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