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How to get blood effects on armor?


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I have a melee weapon and a holstered armor apparel version of the weapon. I'm using visual weapons 3rd person holsters. My goal is to make blood that appears on the holstered version when the main weapon get's bloody.

It doesn't have to be fancy, I was just wondering if anyone knew a way to get blood on the apparel item ONLY when blood is on the main weapon.

Anyone know how I can accomplish this?


Maybe there is some way I can make blood appear on the piece of armor with a script or spell when the weapon is put away? To give the illusion that it's the same bloody weapon? Thanks. Appreciate any help.


Edit: Is it possible via script to edit the transparency of the BGSM of the blood mesh on the armor based on certain conditions? Like when the main weapon has blood on it or something? Or if the player hits an enemy with a specific weapon?

Edited by vizex1
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