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Eat Drink Animation bug


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I dont know why but my npcs on my current save game and new chars when they sit down their eating drinking animations are completely bugged its like they start the animation then quickly stop and start it again over and over again their standing animations are fine and i have a mod installed which allows me to perform said sitting animtions and i perform it fine its not game breaking and i dont really want to test out all my mods considering i have a lot installed and stable (somehow) so all i want to know is if anyone else has had this problem and if you fixed it? thank you for your time
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  • 3 months later...

Same problem for me, but I've not installed that mod that allow your character to play the "eating\drinking" animation, so I doubt it is the cause.

I also removed every mod related to animations from my game, and the glitch still persist.

The reason of this bug seems to me like a script which keep updating the npc AI package, like happened on some character in Fallout New Vegas. I hope someone know more about this bug, I'm going to try a fresh install of the game anyway, perhaps it can all be fault of a deleted mod still bugging the save files..

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