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ApachiiSkyHair --> New hair styles are added but they look like a bald head


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I downloaded Apachi Sky Hair and installed it using nexus mod and later manually but the problem is still the same. Hairstyles are added and on the scroll bar I can choose them when creating characters, but each of them is actually a bald head. Any ideas what?

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I'd recommend using Mod Organizer 2, as it allows for the problem to be fixed rather easily.

I had the same issue, so after removing and reinstalling the mod, I:

1)Double clicked on the mod name in the left-hand window of MO2

2) Navigated to "Optional ESPS" in the window that popped up

3) Moved the esps on the left to the right.

That fixed the issue for me.

Though since you're moving from NMM, I suggest going with a fresh install with MO2, since the way MO2 handles files is different to NMM

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