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...I've turned Skyrim into a Roguelike


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Well, I wasn't really suggesting durability, just saying that, since items never break or are otherwise rendered un-usable, once you have, say, a daedric sword with a pretty nice enchantment, you will never ever have any reason to pick up a new sword (the way Skyrim works by default, anyway). It isn't a problem necessarily, particularly if you find a way to get random gear working to mix things up a little, but, for me anyway, finding new and useful stuff is a large part of the fun - and it will still be fun anyway, and nice daedric gear probably isn't going to be to common, it just sucks that Skyrim works that way.

That was the first problem i discover in skyrim. One solution i 've come up is make every weapon as powerful as each other but in it own way. But it's very hard because I'm hardly know anything about modding. Also the "Roguelike" ideal sound very tempting to me but if the game save every 30 sec, any chance it's affect the performance.

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A traditional roguelike is turn based, yes - a game adapting some of the style of one does not have to be. The core elements of a roguelike - difficulty, randomness, and permanent death, are by no means exclusive to a turn based game.
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Also the "Roguelike" ideal sound very tempting to me but if the game save every 30 sec, any chance it's affect the performance.

At the moment, it only saves when the game is paused (e.g. when in a menu or in the inventory screen) so although there is a slight pause when the game is saving, it won't happen while you are doing something important like fighting off enemies.


A traditional roguelike is turn based, yes - a game adapting some of the style of one does not have to be. The core elements of a roguelike - difficulty, randomness, and permanent death, are by no means exclusive to a turn based game.

Exactly. The whole point of the mod is to transform Skyrim into a hybrid open-world roguelike. How cool would that be to play? I'm sure there are already plenty of great traditional roguelikes, but my intent is not to replicate a traditional roguelike.




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correct me if im wrong but dont enemies already spawn randomly? isnt loot randomly defined? and how could one integrate a system to randomize a dungeon?

ok you could work on the leveled loot lists and increase randomness but the result would be just a tweaked skyrim. (more or less very dull) action based combat.

what made rougestyle games so interesting was the d&d-style combat where you could take your time to think; if i had to play nethack in realtime id prefer diablo...

i already mentioned a while ago that the VATS of F3 had great potential for creating a rougelike. this and a serious d&d-style-XP-system would really rock my world. also i think the (un)identifed potion, gear, scroll idea is great. so if i was you and wanted to invest time in such a project id go for the "real" thing. turnbased d&d skyrim ftw.

just my opinion though... dont want to appear destructive, opinions differ by nature and discussing them can be productive...

Edited by godlikeueber
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correct me if im wrong but dont enemies already spawn randomly? isnt loot randomly defined? and how could one integrate a system to randomize a dungeon?

ok you could work on the leveled loot lists and increase randomness but the result would be just a tweaked skyrim. (more or less very dull) action based combat.

what made rougestyle games so interesting was the d&d-style combat where you could take your time to think; if i had to play nethack in realtime id prefer diablo...

i already mentioned a while ago that the VATS of F3 had great potential for creating a rougelike. this and a serious d&d-style-XP-system would really rock my world. also i think the (un)identifed potion, gear, scroll idea is great. so if i was you and wanted to invest time in such a project id go for the "real" thing. turnbased d&d skyrim ftw.

just my opinion though... dont want to appear destructive, opinions differ by nature and discussing them can be productive...

Hi godlikeueber, I appreciate the feedback and no, I didn't find your comments destructive by any means, simply that your suggestions are in a different direction than the vision I have for the mod and the substantial work that has already been put into it. Turn-based Skyrim is a very interesting idea and one I've never really considered. It would be fun to see how possible it would be to implement, but alas it is not in the scope of this mod. In either case, I hope you'll give it a shot when it's released.


Just make it so you can only save when you sleep. That will give a use for Inns and your house beyond temporary storage.

I can make the save system configurable, but the only caveat with less frequent saves, is that you would be able to cheat and reload older saves if you run into a sticky situation which makes the game less suspenseful and tense and defeats the purpose of the mod. But I recognize people like options, so you shall have them ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi ikitampa,


Thanks for the suggestions. It's not possible to disable loading, but I've disabled saving instead.


It also isn't possible to autosave on quit (at least not without SKSE and even then the player can always use the qqq console command to quit the game bypassing the quit menu). What I've done instead is periodically autosave the game whenever it is paused (e.g. during menu screens) and also upon death. Unfortunately, this causes pauses in the game as you can imagine, so I will make the autosaving optional with options on how frequently the saves will occur.

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  • 7 months later...

Could you please post Fear Death on your Nexus page? If you search 'Skyrim Roguelike' on Google or Youtube, there are already people trying this exact idea, but there doesn't exist any other mod for it. And people are doing this using your other mods! There is no way that couldn't be well received.


Please consider it. :)

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