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Rating System?


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I just got around to reading the post/poll on the rating system - and am rather disturbed to see it calling the people who give ratings of 6 or 7 along with "constructive criticism" prats. In the same post, it complains that most people give 1's or 10's - and talks about how bad this is. Despite the apparent rejection of the 1 or 10's that most people give, it nevertheless rejects middle-of-the ground postings.



I would think that your average mod rating should be a 6 or a 7 - with 9's or 10's reserved for exceptionally well done, polished mods, and a 1 reserved for something that (either breaks the game or doesn't work at all) - and 2 to 5's for just very, very poor quality. I mean, a 1 to 10 rating scale is here for a reason, and if some people are giving out 6's and 7's along with "constructive criticism" - I would think they are using it correctly, not "prats"



Yes, this is rather out of date, and the site is apparently moving to another rating system anyways. For some reason, I never realized that the newer blog posts to the main site were at the bottom instead of at the top. I'd been thinking that the site hadn't been updated since the LAN post. I just saw the prat comment and felt like mentioning my feelings on it - hopefully I'm not stirring up some old debate; I rarely browse the forums here, I mostly look over the mods.

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