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Unuseable Settlements (can't send anyone to anywhere)


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So, as the title states, I'm having a problem sending anyone, anywhere, and was wondering if anyone else had encountered this insanity, or is it all my own.


Specifically, I can not assign a companion/follower to any settlement: When dismissed, they all go back to their point of origin (Piper to Diamond City, Dogmeat to Red Rocket, etc). Random settlers met on the road (looking for a new place to settle?) chill where I meet them until they de-spawn whenever, but they never show up at a recommended settlement (I usually use Starlight Drive In... Still no one there but me and the mole carcasses after weeks. I've met and tried to send about 6 settlers there).


I can't purchase guard dogs nor brahmin either, as their sellers seem to think none of the dozen of locations I've made safe are valid.


Settlers I console spawn in work temporarily while I'm with them, but when I head out on a task, they abandon their new home, and wander off to parts unknown. I hope not Nuka World. I haven't fixed that s***hole up yet.


I use 4 distinct mods (among a little over a hundred) that might be causing the issue, BUT it might be important to note that I have not had this problem until I decided to give the Vortex management tool a try (and lost my ability to more thoroughly control my load order per NMM). I have not added or removed anything I did not previously use via NMM with no issues there, with exception to mod number 4 of the list - Start Me Up - Alternate Start & Dialogue Overhaul.


The other mods that might (though I can't see why) be stirring up trouble are Better Settlers, Horizon, and/or Amazing Follower Tweaks. I'm trying to play with the custom rules in Vortex to force their load orders to match what I had in NMM but even juggling Start Me Up around within them in various configurations doesn't seem to resolve anything.


Interestingly enough, AFT has options that control where followers are supposed to hang their hat, (Assign home A: Choose Settlement B:Use Current Location) which are not working either. Other functions of AFT all appear to be working correctly thus far)


I have not started a new game to replicate the issue, as this is a new playthrough after re-installing FO4 and my mods on a new machine, BUT that's where I'm going next on the weekend. Such a shame if that doesn't work.


Anyway, thanks for your time and any advice in advance.


Edited by Jatiro
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Also, I would recommend a whole new playthru after the transition from NMM to Vortex.


Not really sure why you would switch though. Were there issues before? NMM is still working great for me. Tried Vortex for a bit. It is basically NMM minus all the stuff that made it useful (i.e. manual sorting).

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