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Scaling Tab Not Showing in showracemenu / Tabs show icons not words


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Hello, I've just receently come back to playing skyrim and had previouls clean out skyrim of all mods , aned was playing specially edition and fo4 n such types,

So I wanted to also try out this now vortex manager, following ghophers guide..

I have skse skyui showracemenu pre cache killer and downloaded a couple hair mods eye mods armor wepon n such type but when charecter creation, there's now wepon scalling slider or tab or access of any sort, ...

Also the catergorie tabs are icon not the usual words I was used using previously , Ive tried googling , but can't find any real answer to wepon scale access not being there ?

I donwloaded showracemenu alternative, but thats the same thing , I dont want to have use console commands to scale wepons up or down, I dont know what I'm quite doing , if I try that ...=/

Edited by jaderiver
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