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settlement attack msg: bug or scam?


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So I'm playing a lightly modded game with all Bethesda.net in game menu mods. I get a message that one of my settlements is under attack ( no name ) with two options. I can either handle it or hire gunners for 500 caps. If you pick handle it, a msg says "Youre on your way!" but nothing happens. If you pick the gunner option it takes your money but does nothing else. Either way, the attack message comes up every few seconds until you fast travel anywhere.


The first time I saw this i only had two settlements. Neither were under attack and neither had bodies or damage to show one happened. There is also no settlement attack quest under the msc tab. Googling returns one post from last year with the exact text but no resolution.

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I finally got a real settlement attack. The same message about gunners came up, again with no result other than taking my caps. Even while i was fighting the raid and cleaning up after, the message kept overlaying my screen. Due to constant CTD's that were similar to the bug list for the UIF, I disabled that mod. After ten hours of play, I have not had that message come up again. For what its worth, I also couldn't trade with Dogbert, fast travel to Greentop Nursery, or walk anywhere near Breakheart Banks without a CTD. All those seemed "fixed" after removing UIF.

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