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Dragon's Dogma-esque Fast Travel system


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One of the things I like about Dragon's Dogma is its Fast Travel system. You need 2 kinds of items in order to fast travel: Portcrystals and Ferrystones. You place Portcrystals in locations you think you might have to travel there later and you use Ferrystones to teleport to any location you have placed a Portcrystal. This creates interesting conditions for fast travel:

  1. You cannot bypass exploration because you have to place a Portcrystal at your destination first.
  2. Another reason for exploration is finding Portcrystals. You cannot buy them from vendors so if you don't explore, you simply don't have any Portcrystal.
  3. There are limited number of Portcrystals in the game so you cannot place them at every important locations and must decide which locations you want most.
  4. Portcrystals cannot be placed in buildings or dungeons but you can place them anywhere outside. So the locations you can teleport to are not determined by the game but by the player.
  5. Ferrystones are consumeable so you don't want to fast travel too often because that would be too expensive.

Obviously this doesn't follow the lore of Oblivion but I think it's an interesting fast travel mechanic. Vanilla Oblivion's fast travel system just doesn't encourage exploration much. And alternative fast travel mods I found don't really seem to make the player (at least me) want to explore the world more. I think if there's a mod that encourage exploration as well as the freedom to choose the locations you want to be able to teleport to, it would be a great addition to the game.

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There are few multi mark/recall mods and one with a single pair of stones where the player can teleport to each other. So I am fairly sure it is possible. Do you have experience in modding?

I use this mod and quite like it. It functions perfectly and is a nice way to get from anywhere to a preferred location instantly.

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