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Looking For Better Mods


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I'm currently using UFO- Ultimate Follower Overhaul & Better Horses & I'm not satisfied.


With UFO whenever my companion dismounts his horse will start to head straight back to his home stable, very frustrating.


I set Skyrim aside pre-DG & hadn't played it for quite awhile. Before I installed DG I was using UFO, Better Horses, Horses For Followers & Better Follower Improvements. It was a bit messy, but I got the desired effect- horses & companions that were essential & my companion & his horse would reliably follow me around.


Post-DG this no longer works as it seems Horses for Followers & UFO conflict too much.


What I'm looking for is a mod that improves my companions, horses, & allows me to buy/acquire horses for my companions all in one shot & is generally reliable (I do use a number of other mods). I tried Convenient Horses, Amazing Follower Tweaks, & a couple others a long time ago when Steam Workshop first released. I'm not sure if they've improved, but I wasn't satisfied with them which is why I switched in the first place.

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